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My days have been almost silent.

My sister and I have been keeping each other company so we don't go insane without Liam.

I've also been lettering Draco with no response. It's not like he's gone forever, I'll see him soon.

I walked down the staircase to see Narcissa.
"Narcissa?" I ask with a small smile on my face I quickly went to her and hugged her she smiled as she returned the favor.

I was only wearing my pajamas, it was early and I was only coming down to see the sun.
It was a nice surprise.

"Happy birthday, dear" She says as she pulled out a tiny box from her purse.
Did I forget it was my birthday?

"Oh, you didn't have to get me anything" A smile appeared on my lips as I opened the box, it was a beautiful scarlet hair barrette.
"Draco thought it would nice on you"
"He did?" Narcissa smiled as she gave a slight sigh, I knew she wasn't telling me something. I saw it in her eyes, she missed her son and she missed me.

The thought stayed in my head as the day continued, Narcissa stayed and baked a cake with my mum.

"Happy birthday!" My mum comes into the dining room with a cake and candles.
"We should've done something bigger" My sister grumbles as my mum rolled her eyes.
"16 right, dear?" Narcissa asks as I blow out the candles.
I nodded and she cut a slice out of the cake. It was a white marble cake with happy birthday written on it in purple.


"I'm sorry Draco couldn't show up, dear- he was... busy," Narcissa says as she hugged me.
"I understand" I sighed as I backed away from the hug.
"Jessamine will be busy soon enough" My mum smiles as she hugged Narcissa.
"Bye, Scarlett" Narcissa says as she backed away from my mum then open the door and left.

"I wonder why Draco didn't show" My mum hums to herself with jealousy tinting her voice.
I nodded slightly then went to my room.

I knew he was busy, but with what?

I wrapped myself in a towel as I exited the shower.
Again my appearance changed as I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was even longer, and my eyes were a dark green, not a light green like they were before my mark.
Things are different and you have to accept it Jessa.

I crawled into my blankets and pulled them over my head, not to sleep but to think.
What if I saw Draco?
But he'll push you away.
No, he would let you in and tell you everything.
No, he wouldn't Jessa be smart.

I snapped my eyes open and took a deep breath.

I could talk to him, I learned that I can appear in someone's thoughts and talk to them, I can give it a try.

I slowly closed my eyes and thought of Draco.
Memories flooded my focus and I sank into the memories of him and I.


"Wake up" Scarlett whispers into my ear.
I jolted from bed and she jumped back.
I fell asleep.
"I'm sorry" I sigh and roll the blankets off of me.
"It's been a while since you've slept, hasn't it?"
"I didn't want to wake you but it's time"
"Time for what?"
"To get your tasks"
"Oh," My mark burned at the thought and I took a deep breath then got up.

I wore a long satin black dress and walked down the stairs raking my hands through my hair.

"Dear, he's here" Mum smiles as I reached the bottom of the stairs.
"I know" I felt him, he made my skin cold and his scent was like death and retirement home.

She opened the doors and the gust blew my hair back making my skin even colder and the fume stronger.
I clasped my hands in front of me and walked towards Voldemort.
Remember to say, Lord Voldemort Jessa.
I repeated in my head over and over again.

"Ah, my child" Voldemort smiles as the doors close behind me.
"My lord," I say with a fake smile placed on my lips.
"I'm so happy to see you" He holds his hand out to me and I take it.

"You have very special talents and I want you to use them to your best ability. Your tasks are small, I know but very useful to us they are to look over Harry Potter and his friends and to help Draco whenever you think he needs... Help"  He finishes his speech and I nod.
It's better than what it could've been.

"I will hope to see you soon," Voldemort says and apparates out of the Rivera manor in a flash.

I walked out of the dining room in a trance.
"What are your tasks?!" Mum walks happily towards me with her hands to her sides.
"Nothing big Mum just looking out for Harry Potter and-"
"Harry Potter?" Mum gasped and clutched her chest.
"Yes," I say, I wouldn't be spying on Harry Potter I would be just looking out for him and helping Draco when needed? What does that even mean?

I walked outside into the early morning haze and took a deep breath.
I forgot about messaging Draco, would he be mad if I reached out?

I pondered that thought almost for the entire day.

"What's wrong Jessa?" Scarlett mutters in my ear at dinner.
"I'm just deep in thought," I say shortly and move my pasta around with my fork.
I haven't eaten in a while.

"Shopping tomorrow?" Scarlett asks
"School starts the day after it will be busy as fuck"
"Okay, fine" I sigh and lean back in my chair.

After dinner, I watched the stars thinking about my grandmother this time...

Jessamine's Flashback

"Your eyes are as bright as the stars twinkle in the night"
Jessamine's grandmother says to her grandchild.
They were laying on their backs in the sand of the beach house Jessamine's grandmother owned.
The house is still there today.
"I wish I could stay here forever" Jessamine sighed as she rolled to her side and watched her grandmother doze off.

Jessamine's grandmother wasn't old, her mum decided to have babies at an early age.

End of flashback

I felt the cold breeze blow my hair, it was eerie to be laying here alone in the middle of this field without Liam but I felt his presence, I knew he was still with me.


Sorry for the short chapter, I was getting bored writing the end of summer-
Introducing a new character soon 😌

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