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The Yule Ball.

I wake up to fresh snow falling on the iced grass of December. Christmas Eve, my favorite time of year. Or I should say the only time my parents are at least humble with me.

I slip out of bed in my oversized shirt and slip on a soft robe that could keep me warm. Nia stayed the night with Blaise. I stayed the night in my dorm reading a book that Cedric gave me.

I walk out of my dorm with my green and silver slippers on and walk down the stairs. "Merry Christmas Eve Jess" Theo comes up from behind me with a green quidditch shirt on and black shorts that go down to his knees. "Merry Christmas Eve Theo" I smile and hug my body from the cold air.

"I didn't want to give you a present till Christmas," He says wrapping an arm around me turning us around to walk down the stairs to the common room "That's how it's supposed to go" I chuckle while leaning my head onto his shoulder "Oh really?" He bumps my arm

"Yes," I roll my eyes as we enter the common room where Nia, Blaise, and Draco are sitting watching the fire.

"Merry Christmas Eve everyone" I smile as I take a seat next to Draco, I thought he would at least look at me but he kept staring into the fireplace, "It's finally snowing" Nia smiles as I sink into the couch next to Draco and sigh, I love the snow but I don't have the best memories from winter.

"I wonder what the great hall will look like," I say while Nia nods, I know we are the only ones thinking about the Yule Ball. "Didn't you say you didn't like the idea of love?" Draco scoffs while Theo chuckles. I don't like the idea of love, I don't believe in it.

"I did say that, but that doesn't mean I don't want to go to the Yule Ball," I say defensively while wondering if he also doesn't believe in love but why should I care? I don't even like him.


"Hey, Jess" Cedric comes from out of nowhere and wraps an arm around me suddenly feeling warm and comforted by Cedric. "Are you excited about tonight?" I ask.

"I'm ready to dance if your asking" He nudges my shoulder making me laugh He doesn't know this yet but I'm a horrible dancer even though when I was young I had classes to learn how to do the waltz for balls we have with the Malfoy's every Christmas.

"I think you should know I'm horrible at dancing" I sigh while thinking of that one time I had to dance with Draco and I kept stepping on Draco's feet but he didn't even show emotion even though I knew how much that hurt, I shake my head at that memory. "I can teach you" He smirks.

"You can try-" Cedric grabs my arms and starts dancing with me in the middle of the hall while everyone was trying to get out of the way of two dimwits dancing in the middle of a hallway. "Cedric!" I squeal while he keeps swaying down the hall with a girl who knows nothing of what she's doing.

"I'm teaching you" He spins me around and kisses me sweetly "Your a horrible teacher" I mumble while he slows his pace feeling the mood slowly die down into the calmness of the quiet corridor.

"I hope you put extra padding in your shoes when I dance with you tonight" I smile and nudge his shoulder feeling a little embarrassed but I'm not the one who will end up with sore feet.

"I hope you can at least do the waltz in front of the whole school" He whispers in my ear as he turns and walks down the hall. What.


"Cedric better be ready for your train wreck of a dancing style," Draco says leaning against a brick wall, still wearing that damn suit. "I wonder how different you will look tonight" I look him up and down.

The one that got away || DMHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin