" I Can Make It Right "

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《 After 3 days 》

YN now knows everything about jungkook.. his condition, his medications, what can harm him.. etc from Dr.Jin.

《 At the Kim Hospital 》

Dr.jin: So YN what do u wanna do now?

YN: First of all I want to take him out of these white walls.. Can we shift him to our house?

Dr.Jin: Ofcourse .. I'll set up things.. nurse!!

With that Dr.jin went out to settle things so that jungkook can continue his treatment at his house.

YN: Good morning Jungkook ... I know u are fed up of these white walls and boring surroundings.. so I have decided to take u home with me.

YN talks to jungkook everytime she visits... she talks about herself.. about what happened with her in the whole day ... she even informs him where she is going even tho he can't hear it.. or what everyone thought.

YN: aah! I forgot to inform ur aunt about it wait lemme call her..

She was about to dial her number but someone barged into the room.

Haeran: What are u doing YN?

YN: Aunt I'm taking jungkook with me for his better treatment.

Haeran: NO!!

Haeran shouts... as YN flinched at her sudden burst..

YN: w-wha--

Someone else also entered the room and stands beside Haeran.

???: Nice to meet U YN... I'm Jeon Jaehyun... Jungkook's uncle..

YN bows

YN:Good morning Uncle.. but what happened to aunt?.. why is she so petrified?

Jaehyun: Oh its nothing sweetheart.. she just got a little scared on hearing the news of Jungkook's treatment.. she doesn't want anything to happen to jungkook after all she loves him so much.

YN wasn't convinced but still nodded

YN: dont worry aunt.. I'll take care of him.

Haeran looks at Jaehyun who is smiling normally as if nothing happened.

Haeran in mind: what if she actually cures Jungkook? Our whole plan will fail!!

Haeran: YN pls excuse us for a min..

YN:yeah sure...

With that Haeran took her husband out of the hospital room.

Haeran: are u gone crazy Jaehyun??
What if jungkook actually wakes up huh!?

Jaehyun: relax jagiya, she thinks she can wake him up but she so wrong... have u seen his condition? There has been no improvement in 6 months what will happen now huh?!

Haeran relaxs a bit..

Jaehyun:let her do what ever she wants just want for a month then we will make her sign those papers and take over Jungkook's company..

Jaehyun smirks widely..

《 At Home 》

YN: welcome home jungkook!!

YN greets jungkook and slowly tugs him under a blanket.

She even decorated the house so that it really looks like a big celebration

???: Good morning miss.. I'm Jinae.. the head maid of this house.

The middle aged woman tells YN... even tho YN thought that she has seen her somewhere but shrugged it off.

YN:Thank you so much ...

YN goes to their shared bedroom and sits on the edge of the bed

YN: why did that women looked familiar as if I have seen her ..

YN'S mind was messed up in these past few days..

YN: I still don't know the reason of this marriage.. did my mom dad know about this already? Was it planned already 6 months ago?.. if it was why did jungkook agree and even signed the papers without knowing who will his wife be?

YN was surrounded by millions of thought but the one thought which disturbed her the most was Jungkook's Aunt and uncle's behavior...

One minute they are sweet and other they panic specially aunt.

It looks like they are hiding some thing... YN was in deep thoughts and didn't even realize when she fell asleep after all ... taking care of jungkook, shifting his things and other stuff were very tiring...

《 In the evening 》

YN: Good evening Jungkook... I hope u are feeling well but now it's time to make u drink this red bitter medicine! Yuckkk!!!

YN made a disgusting face while looking at the medicine

YN: if I would be in ur place I would have woken up and said straight on the  doctor's face


YN was laughing at her own lame jokes ... but there was someone who felt his heart flutter while listening to her laugh knowing that she is smiling brightly...

To be continued...

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