Year 7 - Wedding

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"So you're telling me that I don't have to wear a disguise."

"Of course why would you have to."

"Hermione...I'm Harry Potter..." he said slowly sitting down drinking.

" you want a medal."

Harry got up and walked over to her, "I'm pretty sure Voldemort wants me dead dead."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "That's obiovious. Anyway I still have a little more to do before the wedding. Harry I recommend you going down there now before you're late."

"Aren't you going to be late?"

"You don't worry about me. Just go Potter." Hermione shoved Harry towards the door.

Harry grumbled and walked towards the wedding tent and entered quickly finding a seat next to Ron, who on his other side was Lavender. They were whispering to each other. Harry sat down and saved the seat next to him for Hermione.

Hermione was right as the wedding guest were quieting down as the wedding was about to begin and true to her word Hermione entered and sat down next to him.

"Where were you?" Harry questioned, whispering to her.

"Just last minute thoughts and I just have a feeling it had to be done." Hermione whispered back as they stood up with everyone else as the bride came in.


Hermione punched him, "shut it..."

The two stopped talking and watched the ceremony. It was a wonderful ceremony and it was beautiful all around. Molly cried at least three times so far. It was a quick yet joyful affair for everyone, a moment of peace. The wedding reception was in full swing before anyone really talked. Ron was already whisked away by Lavender to dance.

"Please don't ask me to dance Hermione. I really don't want a repeat of the yule ball. I'm terrible," Harry complained.

"Don't worry I wasn't going to."

Harry took a drink that he grabbed from one of the waiters, "I forgot you only save dances for Malfoy now-a-days."

"Shut it Potter."

Hermione and Harry looked at the guest around them and noticed a girl walking up to them, both knowing who it was.

"Hello!" The girl said with her airy voice. She wore bright yellow robes and she classic fruit earrings.

"Hello Luna," Both said and smiled slightly at her.

"Here I was thinking you would be wearing a disguise Harry. It would have been much better trying to find you if you did. The nargles are really dense tonight. It's must be a wonderful, true wedding now."

"Err...yeah it was lovely..." Harry tried saying.

"No offense Harry, but I would recommend at least one dance with Ginny. I believe she'll miss you."

"How do you..." Hermione was trying to ask but was interrupted by a man approaching, who also had yellow robes on, luna grabbing her shoulders.

"Luna it is almost time for our ceremonial dance to wish the couple a good life."

Luna smiled, "A few more minutes Daddy."          

(A.N.- if you're being dirty minded stop please!)

"Oh Daddy I would like you to meet some of my friends. This is Harry Potter and Hermoine Granger...though it might not be Granger forever."

"What do you..." Hermione tried again, but was stopped again.

"Harry, Hermione this is my dad, Xenophilius."

"It's a delight to meet two of my little girl's friends. Tell me do you have the whackspurts spray?"

Harry smiled awkwardly at him, ""

"MR. POTTER! I would like to tell you about..." Mr. Lovegood started going on, but something caught Hermione's eye.

"Sir...what is that symbol exactly?" Hermione asked pointing to his necklace he wore.

"Oh...this..." Xenophilius pulled out the necklace more showing the symbol, "this is the symbol of the deathly hallows..."

"I would be ashamed to be wearing such a symbol as that," A voice piped up. The group of four turned and looked at who said it.

"Victor! You're here?!" Hermione questioned.

"Luna I believe now would be a great time for our dance," Xenophilius said ignoring the comment. Luna nodded and they left to the dance floor.

"Victor I know it's been a while since we spoke...but it's rude to talk like that to someone." Hermione said. 

"But that symbol is a nasty symbol," Krum defended himself.

"I happen to agree with you boy," a older voice spoke up from the table behind them, Aunt Muriel.

"And can you tell me why that symbol is so 'nasty'" Hermione asked and and both Harry and her sat down.

"That it is Grindelwald's symbol," Krum stated.

Aunt Muriel smirked, "yes...if you've read Rita Skeeter's book you would know about this."

"Sorry can't say I'm a fan of hers," Harry frowned.

"Well then let me tell you then...while you may not like it Potter knowing you are a Dumbledore lover, but...lets see...Dumbledore while did defeat Grindelwald...isn't as nice as what you think. If fact Dumbledore and Grindelwald are more...well in bed together."

Hermione frowned, "I didn't think the book was completely out yet..."

"To a select few it is."

"And you're one?"

"Not exactly, but I know who she got her information from. Bathilda Bagshot in Godric's Hallow, who lived there her whole life and knows the stories the town keeps. Even knew Gregorovitch, the famous wand maker in Bulgaria..."

Before more is said a bright blue light shot through the roof of the tent and landed in the middle of the tent. A voice spoke out from the lynx Patronus, Kingsley's, "Scrimgeour is dead, the Ministry had fallen, Death Eater's are coming, Get out!"

A moment of pure silence filled the room and soon people were screaming and running as dark cloaked figures started appearing around the tent.

"WE NEED TO FIND RON!" Harry yelled as he took out his wand from his sleeve. Hermione and Harry started running through the crowd looking, casting spells, and helping in any way they could.

Harry ran into Ginny and kissed her goodbye quickly while Hermione cursed a few death eaters behind them.

"Great what a lovely goodbye, now come on this tent is about to blow up!" Hermione yelled at him.

Soon they saw Ron sprinting at them. "Where were you two!"

"We could ask you the same thing!" Hermione yelled.

"THERE! THERE!" the three heard voices shout at them. They knew the death eaters spotted Harry.

"GRAB MY HAND!" Hermione yelled as Harry and Ron did. Soon the three disapparated. 

The loud paniced screams was now replaced with the calming noise of a few cars driving by at this time of night almost at a dead silence.

Ron still shaken spoke, "Where-where are we?"

"A Muggle town...sorry first place that came to mind."


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