Year 5 - Plan in Action (Part 1)

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It was cold in Hogsmeade as snow fell around the walking students that were excitedly walking shop to shop talking amoungs friends. Everything was completely normal except a certain group that was whispering amongst themselves looking at the other students. The Slytherin group fighting over the final little details of the plan that was about to be in action.

"Why don't you do the speech, Hermione, since it was and IS your plan," Daphne argued glaring at the girl.

Hermione rolled her eyes at the girl, "You know why I can't be the one to talk there is some certain people who will not listen for you know what..."

"Muggleborn...come on! That's such a lame accuse!"

"Yeah but the older Slytherin Purebloods will not see it you're way."

"She has a point you know," Theo tried to help out Hermione and Daphne glared over at him as he scooted over closer to Blaze.

The two girls were about to argue more when Blaze in his arrogant voice spoke, "Please...Ladies...don't fight! It obviously should be me. After all..."

"NO!" The entire group spoke up except Malfoy who said, "Not in this lifetime Zabini."

Blaze pouted for a moment as Hermione turned back, "Enough of this. We can figure this out later. We should NOW worry about getting all the students to one location."

"Got that down! I just need help with putting up the wards," Draco proudly said and Hermione nodded.

"Good...I'll go with Draco and the rest of you three get everyone to get wherever Malfoy has planned."

"You know the path that goes to the Shrieking Shack...instead of going to the left where the shack is, go right. There is a very large clearing."

The three nodded. "Got it!" The three turned and when their separate ways into the buildings.

"Okay, while they work their magic lets get everything set up at the clearing." Hermione gestured for Malfoy to lead the way and he mockingly bowed and took her arm and escorted her closer to the forest.

They got to the clearing that was right past the few rows of trees. "So I'll start with the silencing spells on that end while I work on this end. Daphne and Theo will work quickly and so should we." Hermione blankly stated the plan while Draco raised an eyebrow.

"What about Blaze?"

Hermione snorted, "He's going to be distracted somehow...I'm betting on one of the big-breasted Ravenclaw girls."

Draco smirked then grinned widely, "Yeah...that's not a bet I'm willing to go against." 

Hermione threw her head back and laughed, after a few seconds she stopped, "Come on we have to get this done."

She marched to the other side of the field and they nodded to each other and started. They mumbled the incantation and circled the field, creating a large invisible ward that stopped any noise before it escapes its walls.  

Soon the two met and it was completed. "Well now that's done...what's your plan on making sure everyone keeps silent?"

Hermione smirked and picked up some rocks and brushed off the snow, "I'll tell you while you work...please can you put up some warming charms in this area...I doubt most people want to stay out too long in this weather."

Draco nodded and raised his wand to cast warming charms inside the ward. Hermione was turning rocks into small tables. Draco finished just a little bit before her and walked over as she finished.

Each table above it had a floating badge of a certain house and a year number for whatever year a student was in. Hermione pulled some papers from a small bag she was carrying and handed him half.

"Each one has the curse I put on it and everyone who signs it is bound by contract and anyone who violates it...well let's just say you may find out if someone decides to be stupid. Plus I put the tables there and people will automatically feel like they have to sign's kinda like a modified Imperius curse. I changed the wards a bit to where anyone who enters it, has the urge and just has to make sure they sign the contract. Not exactly pure "good" magic, but it's magic."

"It's brilliant!" Draco said and Hermione smiled lightly. "And look the first group is just arriving," Draco pointed out a large group coming into the wards and going over to the proper table and signing their names. 

They stood there for a few seconds then Hermoine spoke, "Now it's about to begin..."

Draco nodded and after another few seconds of silence, "Is this too tacky or do we need a stage?"

Hermione sighed and looked down at the ground, purely exhausted.

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