Year 5 - Detentions, Memories, and Fireworks

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"Could this get any worst?" Theo sighed.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "You have the same punishment as the rest of the school. We ALL are going to have to deal with it."

Mockingly Blaze talked in his Umbridge voice, "'I can't believe you Slytherins would blindly follow Ms. Granger. I am sorry that you have to deal with such a punishment with them, but rules are rules'...I hate that woman." He switches to his serious voice at his last line.

"You and me both. At least the "detention" isn't going to happen for another three days with the job fair thing coming up." Theo mentioned. 

"Small mercies," Daphne sighed.

"Hey what are your plans for after Hogwarts?"  Theo asked her.

"Me? ... Well, looking into things I'm rich so I really don't have to get a job if I don't want one, but I'm not like my sister where I can sit around and make dinner and party plans all day. I might look into healing or journalist not like Rita though."

Theo looks at her, "I could see you being one of those strict healers."

She rolled her eyes, "thanks."

Blaze thought for a bit, "Quidditch."

"Quidditch?" Draco questioned.

"I would like to do something with Quidditch. Even if it's just announcing and stuff like that and not flying I would be okay with that." He responded.

Theo smiled, "that sounds like us! Going off into the world following quidditch teams or even being on one! Don't worry Daphne I would come back to you as much as possible."

"Thank you for including me, Theo, in your wonderful plans." Daphne rolled her eyes.

"What about you Draco?" Hermione questioned.

Draco paused for a second and thought, "Being an Auror would be cool."

"Oh My God! You just want to stay with Potter don't you?" Blaze joked, "It seems you'll always be stuck with Potter huh."

"Shut up, Blaze."

After a few laughs, there looked at Hermione and Daphne asked, "How about you?"

Hermione paused, "I never thought about it."

"Nothing at all?!" Daphne questioned.

"I don't know."

After a silent pause, Draco spoke up, "I could see you in a high position of power. I don't know to make rules and laws, telling others what to do. I can see it."

"You completely right Malfoy," Blaze smirked. "Becoming the Minister of Magic then doing away  with that sexist title and becoming the ruler of Magical Britain." 

"That does sound like her," Theo stated and everyone nodded. Hermione just paused and listened considering everything they said.

'That certainly sounds like an interesting idea.' She thought before they continued walking to class.

On the second day of the job fair Harry came up to her as she and Draco were reading, "Hermione can I talk to you?"

"Sure. Draco put my bag in the common room." He just nodded as they left.

"Yes, Potter?"

"Sorry for the weirdness it's just Hagrid has asked for us to meet him for some reason?"

"And where's Weasley?"

"Fell off his broom so he's in the hospital wing."


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