Year 7 - Godric's Hollow

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It was two days later and they knew they had to move sites. They avoided the subject altogether of Ron leaving. Being the most distraught over it, Harry, kept getting up and walking around the campsite getting little sleep. It was two days already and they had to keep moving. Hermione knew that if they did move Ron would have a near-impossible chance of getting back to them. So, Hermione prolonged the move for Harry's sake. Deep down Harry knew it was time to go and if Ron really wanted to come back he would have by now. 

Hermione who was sitting down at the small table sighed and put down the book she was reading and turned to Harry and sighed.

"Harry...I know you don't want to hear this. But we have to move."

Harry was silent before sighing, "I know..."

Hermione nodded glad that Harry acknowledges it.

"On one condition. We go to Godric's Hollow."

Hermione nodded, "I agree. I think we should check there. From what I've read there are too many connections from Dumbledore telling us to go there. From this symbol that was Grindelwalds' and to maybe the sword may be there. Even if it just tells us clues about something that would be enough."

Harry looked surprised at Hermione's acceptance. 


"Yes. We have your cloak and a little polyjuice left. We can go as muggles decide if it was worth the visit. We should also have a visit with Bathilda Bagshot."

"Great! When can we go?" Harry asked.

"Help me pack up everything and get the potions in our system and we can go today. Besides we need to move today anyway."

"Good!" Harry said getting up and quickly grabbing stuff and helping put it up to where Hermione can magic it all back into her bag.

A few hours later the sun was starting to set and everything was ready to go. Harry and Hermione quickly drank the potion and disapparated to Godric's Hollow. They landed on an empty street. It seemed no one was out at all this day. They started walking down the street looking around.

They got to an old church where they heard carols coming from the building.

Hermione blinked at the familiar tunes, "Harry...I think it's Christmas Eve..."

Harry blinked but didn't say anything as they kept walking past the church. On the other side of the church was a graveyard. Harry quickly walked over to it and started searching the graves and Hermione knew what he was looking for and decided to help.

Both found Kendra and Ariana Dumbledore's graves. Hermione found the triangle symbol on the grave of Ignotus Peverell. She tried to get Harry's attention about it, but as she looked over her shoulder at him he was frozen standing at two graves side-by-side. The graves of Lily and James Potter.

Hermione walked over by him and looked down at the graves and read the inscription on it, 'The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.' 

"I-I didn't bring anything for them..." Harry whispered out distraught.

Hermione quickly brought out her wand and made a wreath of red Lily flowers and handed it to Harry.

"Thank you..." Harry muttered as he placed it down between the graves and stood back up. Hermione rubbed his back in comfort. 

Harry thought he heard someone coming so he grabbed Hermione's arm and they slowly exited the graveyard and went back on the street quickly walking away from the graveyard. They once again walked the street looking around when they stumbled upon a house. Not just any house...the house of Lily and James Potter. 

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