6// I never believed there was a heaven 'til I found you.

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"Do you think it's possible to die from boredom?" Minho asked, lying on the top bunk of his bed, head resting on his arms, staring at the ceiling.

"No," Chan muttered, staring up at where the mattress above him would be if he could see it, "if it was, I'd be dead by now."

Minho sighed and turned onto his side. A chill passed through his body and he pulled the sheets up to his chin. They didn't help him very much, too thin to keep any heat in. "What about freezing to death?"

"That one is definitely possible."

"Well, I'll take either at this point."

Chan scoffed. The mattress above him made a squeak every time Minho shivered from the cold, teeth chattering together. Chan was used to it by now, but Minho wasn't. "You can come down here to keep warm if you want," he suggested, "it'll be warmer if we're near each other."

"Is that an excuse to cuddle me?" Minho teased but the mattress made a loud squeak and footsteps could be heard descending from the ladder. Minho was slow across the tiles, hands patting around the bottom bunk to find the free space next to Chan. When he found it, he lay down beside him and Chan pulled the duvet up to Minho's shoulders. Their faces were only centimetres apart from each other but they didn't know that. Minho still shivered. In an attempt to help him, Chan wrapped an arm around his middle.

"Any warmer?" He whispered.

"A little," Minho nodded, "why won't they just put some heating in these rooms or buy thicker duvets?"

"Why won't they do a lot of things?" Chan sighed, readjusting his head into a more comfortable position on the pillow. It wasn't until then he realised how close his and Minho's faces were, foreheads bumping together when Chan moved. He could feel Minho's breath on his face now, especially when he chuckled.

"You're really close to me," he stated as if Chan wasn't already aware.


"No. Don't be. It's nice," he said, moving even closer to Chan and burying his head against his chest.

Silence fell over the room. The only sound was the chattering of Minho's teeth which faded when he was relaxed in Chan's arms. His shaking died down too. When Chan heard soft snores, he realised Minho had fallen asleep in his arms. Once he knew that, he could close his own eyes, leaning his chin on top of Minho's head and hugging him as if he was something to hold tight and never let go of.

"Goodnight," he whispered, exhaustion taking over his mind, but his thoughts repeated the same words over and over again, preventing him from fully drifting off. It was as if there was a litany being spoken in his mind, but it was more important than any litany Chan had heard before.

Please don't let them take the only person I have.
Not again...


"Surely there's a way to get out of here," Minho said, looking around at the tall, stone walls that enclosed the yard area he and Chan sat in. "There definitely is. Your old roommate did it."

Chan looked up from the book he was reading, noticing Minho's eyes lingering on the top of the church tower where the bell was rung every day. "If you're thinking what I think you are, you can't climb over the wall. You're not a superhero," Chan muttered, looking back down at his book.

"I'll have you know, I am a superhero, actually" Minho muttered, turning around on the grey, stone bench to look at the doors behind him, leading back into the church. That wasn't very helpful in formulating a plan. That just lead him back into Hell.

Turning back to the field where all of the boys were allowed to sit on the sunny Wednesday afternoon, Minho surveyed the area again. Most of the boys sat in complete silence, staring at open books in their laps. Besides them, only the guard was standing in the yard, but he was at the opposite end of it and it was a large area. "Let's find some rope and throw it over."

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