16// Simply calling out sins don't bring you closer to God.

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"Truth or dare?"

Minho chuckled as Chan looked up at him, placing a hand on his chest. The pair had been meaning to go to sleep for the past hour, but neither of them could manage to. Minho's dad still wasn't back and they were dying from apprehension. Minho had been staring up at the ceiling with Chan laying on his chest for too long, unable to see each other without any lights on.

"Hmm, dare," Minho decided as Chan snuggled closer to him, duvet pulled up to his shoulders.

"I dare you to put the lamp on."

"Oh, damn. That's a bit of a hard one, Chan. I don't know if I'll be able to do that..." Minho mumbled. Chan nudged his side and Minho reached backwards to turn on the lamp on top of the cupboard. Once it was on, he looked down to see Chan with his eyes closed, arm strewed over Minho's chest and a small smile on his lips. "Your turn, baby. Truth or dare?"


"Ok," Minho thought for a moment, looking back at the ceiling, "do you think my dad is going to help us?"

"Not really..."

"Why not?" Minho asked, looking back down as Chan sighed, opening his eyes.

"I just... I don't know, maybe I just find it harder to trust people because I've been in that church for so long but he just doesn't seem that willing to help us. I mean, he left straight away without asking many questions and he doesn't seem to believe us like everyone else. He acts as if he wants us gone already."

"I guess I can see that," Minho mumbled, brushing his hand along Chan's back, "I want to give him a chance though."

"Yeah, of course," Chan nodded. "It's your turn again. Truth or dare?"


"Of course," Chan scoffed, "I dare you to... place your hands on my waist."

"God, you're so cute," Minho teased, doing so without hesitation and pulling Chan closer to him too. He brushed his thumb over the bare skin where Chan's t-shirt had raised up. A shy smile appeared over Chan's lips, eyes fluttering shut.

"I dare you to take off your shirt."

"I didn't say dare," Chan mumbled.

"I know but we actually have light now and I want to see you."

A smirk appeared on Chan's face, eyes still closed, "then it's too bad for you, I guess. I choose truth."

"Of course you do," Minho sighed, racking his brain for something good. He smirked when he thought of something, moving closer to Chan's ear and whispering his question.

Chan's eyes snapped open, wider than before. He stared at Minho whose face was only centimetres away from his, lips ghosting over his own. "Minho! I-I'm not answering that. That's so..."

"Blasphemous?" Minho smirked, moving one hand away from Chan's waist to cup his cheek, thumb dusting over his lips, "well, the rules are rules, baby. If you don't answer, you have to remove a piece of clothing which means-"

"Yup, ok," Chan sat up, pulling the t-shirt over his head and discarding it on the floor. Minho raised an eyebrow as he watched, half taking in Chan's appearance and well tone chest but also wondering what Chan's answer would have been to his questions. Chan soon disappeared back under the duvet before Minho got much of a chance to admire him. Minho didn't mind too much though, moving his hands back down to hold Chan's waist.

"You know, if you'd answered the question, I could have made it come true."

"Nope, that's the end of the game. Goodnight," Chan interrupted, closing his eyes but moving closer to Minho, arms wrapping around his body.

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