8// My mind is weak and I'm gasping for air.

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Seungmin's eyes were glued to Minho. All of the boarding school boys sat in the canteen, bowls of porridge in front of them, the same breakfast they'd had for the past month. Minho stared back at Seungmin who was sat closer to him than usual. Normally, he sat at the opposite end of the table. For some reason, he was sat diagonally from Minho now, only a few spaces down from Chan with Jeongin opposite him.

Chan looked up to see Seungmin and Minho were in the midst of a staring match. "Minho," he muttered under his breath.

"What?" Minho snapped his eyes away, spooning a mouthful of porridge into his mouth, "he won't stop staring at me. It's not my fault."

"Just leave it be," Chan mumbled, moving his food around the bowl a few times before eating half a mouthful. It was so lumpy. He could barely stomach it.

Minho sighed, picking up his glass of water and taking a swig. Seungmin's eyes were still glued to him when he looked back over. He gripped the glass, knuckles turning white as he planted it back on the table. Chan looked between the two of them before eyeing the guard against the wall. He hardly noticed what was happening. Seungmin smirked, finally looking away to eat his breakfast which made Minho grumble, "what the hell is his problem?"

Chan shrugged, eyes still wandering around the room before he noticed something. "Where's Felix?" He asked. The seat opposite Jeongin where Felix usually was had been taken by Seungmin but Felix hadn't moved to another place at the table. Felix and Jeongin always sat together, usually closest to Minho and Chan. Now it was unfortunately Seungmin closest to them.

"He got taken last night," Seungmin explained, eavesdropping as he gulped down some water. When Jeongin overheard, his head snapped up. Seungmin looked at him with a sickly sweet smile, "isn't that right, Jeongin?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Seungmin grinned, "Jeongin turned Felix in to Father Wilson. I'm proud of you, Jeongin. It takes a lot of guts to report your roommate for attempting to escape."

Chan and Minho shared a look. Meanwhile, Jeongin's head sunk low.

"Escape? How did he try and escape? I thought that was impossible?" Minho asked.

"I don't know. Ask Jeongin."

The two of them looked at Jeongin. He snapped at them, "I don't know how he did it! I just didn't want to be alone in that room again and now they've taken him from me anyway so it was all pointless!"

The guard stepped away from the wall, approaching the table. Everyone fell silent, hands gripping spoons and glasses. Jeongin's nails were digging into his palms so hard he almost drew blood and pain spread across his hand like wildfire. As the guard walked around the table, surveying everyone, he paused at the head of it to say, "you're dismissed. Go to your lessons."

Everyone got up from their seats, clearing their plates for the person whose turn it was to clean up at the end of the night. As everyone left the hall, Minho and Chan lingered behind them. Their voices dropped to whispers as they headed to their first lesson, "do you think it's possible he found a way to escape?"

Chan shrugged, eyes flickering around the hallway but the lighting made it impossible to see anything. Especially the person who hid in the doorway and followed after them once they passed him by. "Maybe. Jisung escaped so It can't be impossible."

"We should try and talk to Felix when he's back."

"Yeah, ok."

The person lagging behind them scowled. What were those two up to?


Chan clutched a piece of paper in his hands. His shaking made the words hard to read. He took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut but he couldn't focus as the chatter and cluttering of objects overwhelmed him. Everything was moving too fast and too slow all at once until-

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