11// We hear no voice when we pray at night.

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Five minutes. That's how long Seungmin had been staring at Minho as he organised bibles at the front of the church. Minho gritted his teeth every time he looked over and caught him still watching him. "Why won't he stop it?" He mumbled as he leaned against one of the church pillars, Chan standing to his side, "seriously! I haven't even done anything. What has he got against me?"

"He knows when people are up to something. It's his superpower," Chan said, eyes fixed on the church's front doors that the guard was unlocking, about to let the town's children in for youth club. He flickered his eyes over to Seungmin and saw him narrow his eyes. "If we do anything suspicious he's going to report us. He'll know what we're up to straight away."

"Well, we better lie low then," Minho said but didn't miss the opportunity to stick his tongue out at Seungmin.

"Wow, mature," Chan rolled his eyes, walking away from Minho to greet the first few children who had started to enter the church building. Minho had to resist the temptation to stick his middle finger up at Seungmin when he smirked. Seungmin soon turned his attention to the children swarming towards him though. For reasons that Minho couldn't fathom, they liked him.

Minho moved away from the pillar to join Chan by the entrance. The guard kept his eyes fixed on him while Minho looked outside at the mini car park. A car mirror reflected light from the sun into his eyes and he winced, looking back at the guard with a chuckle. "Bright out there, isn't it?"

Chan looked up at Minho from where he was kneeling on the floor, wondering what he was doing. Needless to say, he was not lying low and Seungmin was back to staring at them.

"There's already someone on greeting duty," The guard stated, arms crossing over his wide chest, "you don't need to be here, kid."

"Oh, I know, but I've never done this task before so Chan is teaching me what to do," Minho explained as Chan continued to stare up at him from the ground.

When Minho dropped down beside him, Chan muttered, "what the hell are you doing?"

"Just follow my lead," Minho replied, turning his attention to the little boy in front of them. "Hi, what's your name?"

"Ethan," the boy that couldn't have been any older than five replied.

"That's a nice name. Have you got everything you need with you today, Ethan? You didn't forget your bible?"

Ethan looked down at the bible tucked under his arm, almost too heavy for him to carry. "I've got it."

"What about a pen?"

"We don't need a pen."

"Oh, you do today," Minho lied, "don't worry. We'll go and get one from your mum," Minho raised from the ground after taking hold of Ethan's hand. "Sir... uh, brother? Guard man? Ethan has forgotten his pen. I need to take him to his car to collect it."

Chan also raised from the ground. There was no way that was going to work and even if it did, Chan would be left behind... Was Minho really going to leave without him?

"Did he now?" The guard asked and Minho nodded, "nice try, kid. You're not allowed outside."

"I'm not? But I only wanted to take him to his car. He's going to be stuck if he doesn't have what he needs. Besides, I don't see why I'm not allowed outside. I chose to live here, you know?"

The guard stared at Minho and then scoffed, "whatever, take him to his car but don't you even think about running away. I'm keeping my eyes on you."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Minho grinned, exiting the church with his hand still holding Ethan's. The guard stuck to his threat for the first few seconds of Minho being outside, but then a woman caught his attention, asking something about her child and his first time at the youth club. Chan droned out their conversation, eyes unshifting from Minho. He expected him to run away at any minute. Chan's heart swelled in his chest as he watched, just waiting for it to happen...

Blasphemy - MinchanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant