Chapter 2

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Sabbanath was the launching pad for a new life in a new land. There had been much excitement back in Kiryn when it was first announced that the Navy were looking for volunteers to settle here. Families were given first preference but young men and women were also welcome as there was a need for young labour. The focus was on agricultural settlement as beyond the town was a vast grassland that was perfect for rearing cattle. Sabbanath had been where some of the earliest ships had landed over 30 years ago and exploration had provided testimony of a tranche of fertile land waiting to be farmed. There had been locals living on the land, the Noids, but they had deserted the open pastures quickly on seeing the new arrivals in favour of the surrounding forests while it was said that evidence of their settlements could still be seen on the land. By all accounts, these Noids were primitive and savage folk. Reports indicated that they wore just animal skins and communicated through the use of what had been described as "a range of grunts' though Val believed this to be the impression of soldiers who would term any language they didn't understand as such. Though very small in stature, and making use mainly of knives, arrows and spears, the Noids had proven themselves to be extremely dangerous. Everyone had heard the horrific stories of what they had done to settlers they had encountered.

The deployment of the army and their patrols apparently had stopped this and while the fear still existed it hadn't stemmed the flow of settlers determined to seek a new life and claim a plot of land. To encourage families to make the leap of faith, the King had thrown in the carrot that from however many livestock the family could bring, this number would be matched so as to double their herd. Very favourable loan agreements were on offer to encourage the purchase of more livestock. There was no doubt about it, the king wanted this land settled. There were different reasons for this; firstly, possession made it difficult for others, if there were any others, from removing them and then of course there were the economic benefits. More land meant more produce which would mean more tax and more revenue. This new land would fill the Kiryn coffers to overflowing. Gold had been discovered and was being mined up north in a place called The Rykorns and that was attracting another type of settler.

The New Land was a new start and many were eager to leave behind their past lives for the promise of something better, a chance for, if not fame, at least fortune. Val was one of that number. He stood on the gangplank taking in his first good look at Sabbanath. The town itself, which to Val meant permanent structures, was quite small considering the swarm of people and animals that existed around it. Most of these structures were set a good distance back from the port and were reached by a wide road that marched all the way from the port out beyond the town and into the distance as far as the eye could see. In the port area, the road had been cobbled but further on it was more of a well-travelled dirt track. To leave the port area, one had to first pass through a series of checkpoints that ended with a large gate, manned by soldiers checking papers and a high wooden wall that ran the whole length of the port. The port area itself was a hive of activity with animals numbering more than people. It was mainly cattle but there were also horses and pigs and a lot of poultry. Val could see that the animals were taken from the ships and led to holding pens which dominated the whole area beyond the quay but yet still outside the wall. It seemed that there wasn't a docking berth vacant and looking over his shoulder back out to sea he could see more ships waiting to come in. The ships that were unloading passengers and livestock were loading up with boxes, crates and bales of only what Val could guess, most coming from large warehouses set to the side. Val could see more guards standing there.

The hills they had spotted on the way into the cove dominated the coastline and beyond them were what he had been expecting to see. Flat land stretching out all the way to the horizon. He wondered what was ahead for him beyond those plains. Was this a second chance for him? He knew it was. A chance to reprieve himself after a difficult number of years, and what a chance at that. To document the New Land, to travel wherever tracks led and beyond to report on whatever story it wanted to tell. Back in Kiryn interest was at fever pitch and the King had wanted something more than soldiers' and merchants' reports, much of which was conflicting and the rest bore on the wings of whiskey and fantasy. After all, what was to be expected once returning veterans discovered they could make the free whiskey last longer if their stories were more "descriptive". Thus, the summoning from the King and Val being given the mission to put together a true account of the New Land. A report that would be the guiding light for what could be generations to come. Val had grown up reading Maverick's account of his travels around Kiryn and Val knew that his accounts would be equally revered...well his accounts and Thomas's.

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