Chapter 8

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John Rabbit was a big man, a very big man in fact in height and girth. He took comfort in knowing how strong he was and he had never been afraid to take any man on with his fists. His thick bushy beard and wild eyebrows added to the effect. He was rarely nervous, he normally knew what had to be done and didn't fret too much on how others might be upset. Today though he was nervous. He looked at the steaming coffee pot that he had been holding in his hands. He was stalling.

"What's up with the coffee Da?" inquired a voice from behind him. He turned reluctantly to the table and placed it in the centre.

His eldest son Eric took the pot and poured the coffee out into three cups that were set on the table. One for his father, one for his brother Alex who was younger than him by three years and one for himself. The two brothers ate heartily of the eggs, bread and beans that were on the plates before them. Eric looked up to notice that his Da, normally not one to delay in eating, hadn't touched his food. He tried to guess what might be on his mind but didn't want to be too forward. He thought on how he could find out the answer.

"How many riders are we expecting today?" he ventured

"Hard to say. Last time there were eight. I am expecting more this time." answered John.

"Do you think they might have run into some trouble?" asked Eric

"I doubt it. I would be surprised if anything happened that far south but then again as we don't really know what we are contending with, with these bandits, it is hard to say for sure."

Eric studied his Da. Was that it? Was he worried about the bandits? It seemed so but he couldn't believe that was everything. The bandits had been a problem for a good while now it had never affected him like this before. No, there must be something else. He tried again.

"Who is leading the ride, is it Captain Taylor again? He is a good man,isn't he?

"I think so and yes he is." John answered, raising his eyes for the first time to meet his son's.

"I'll be glad to see him again. Last time he......."

"You are not going with the posse boys." John blurted out, no longer able to keep it from them.

"What?" said Eric looking confusedly at his Da. Alex who had said nothing up to now also stopped eating and looked up with a growing dread on his features.

Then it dawned on Eric what his Da was saying " promised! After the last one, you said it was time, that I needed to take on certain responsibilities."

"I know son but...."

"But nothing Da! Leave Alex here but not me. He is three years younger than me and you were going to let him go. That hurt me Da but I said nothing. I trusted you! I am a man now. I am old enough to make my own decisions and I am going whether you say so or not!

"You will do no such thing!" roared John, standing up for emphasis with his hands planted on the table. "I am your father and you will go when I say it is time!"

Eric made as if to respond but stopped as if he was lost for words. John saw his son's heart break in the expression on his face and he felt the same happen to him. He raised his hand in a conciliatory expression, angry with himself for losing his temper but it was too late. Eric stood up, tears swelling in his eyes and embarrassed at showing weakness in front of his Da he turned and left the cabin. John turned to Alex who looked back at him not in sadness but in blind hatred. He too got up and left the cabin after his brother. John stood for a moment chastising himself that even with all the preparation he had gone through in his mind about how he should handle this situation he had made a pig's ear of the whole thing.

Sabbanath - Book 1 of The Elements of DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now