Chapter 4

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Birdsong made him dream of playing with his sister on the farm when he was 8 years old. The meadow was lush with sweet grass, daisies and buttercups along with clover which grew intermittently through the grass. The game they were playing was to not step on the flowers as they weaved their way through them singing the rhyme their grandfather had taught them

"Little children as you pass,

lightly o'er the tender grass,

skip about but do not tread

on my lovely daisy head."

He heard a door close and stopped to look around to see where a door was in this meadow. The vision faded and he clung to the birdsong as he awoke. It took him a few seconds to recall where he was and then he opened his eyes to see a sight that he was slowly becoming used to, that of Thomas standing over him with a concerned look on his face. Thomas was holding another bowl of steaming soup and without being asked Val pulled himself slowly into a sitting position. He was still slightly weak in body but he didn't feel so nauseous. It occurred to Val that it was still bright outside.

"How long have I been asleep?" he asked

"You slept through the evening and the whole night." replied Thomas .

"That long? I guess I needed it."

Thomas placed the soup bowl on a tray and lifted it onto the bed where Val began eating almost immediately. "Yes, you needed it. I guess we pushed things a little too quickly after docking. It was obvious that you were going to need time to recover after what you went through on the boat. I should have said something." The guilty tone to Thomas's voice surprised Val and made him look up, appraising the young man. Thomas truly did have a good heart. Val stood on the part of him that noted that he could make use of that to his own benefit.

"No, Thomas. I am not a young man, new to adventuring. I should have been more careful and cautious myself." Val allowed himself a small laugh, "this nursing thing is becoming a bit of a habit. It is going to dominate our first report back to the king. Before you know it, his highness will be calling me back, unfit for duty."

"Not so." replied Thomas, "As far as I'm concerned our work has not yet begun. That will start I should say when we meet with Governor Ritfeld this evening...that is if you think you will feel up to it."

"To that," replied Val "I should say don't worry. I will be ready. I think I just needed a proper sleep and some good food." He looked down in surprise to see he had already finished the bowl of soup. He rejected the desire to lick the bowl clean which was a habit of his that he could only indulge when he was alone. "In fact, I think I should get out of this bed...even considering how damn comfortable it is."

"Are you sure about that?" countered Thomas "we don't meet with the Governor until the evening and we have nothing planned to do before that. You could make use of the time and stay here, even for a few hours more."

Val offered the tray and bowl to Thomas who set it on a side table "What I need first is a good long soaking bath and I would be eternally grateful if you could ask our dear Mrs. Filip if I could have an actual piece of chicken from the kitchen instead of this wonderful soup. I think I am ready for something more substantial. After that, well we shall see but, I think I will be ready to meet Mr. Ritfeld."

Thomas looked at Val for a short while and then took up the tray and bowl again. "I will talk to Mrs. Filip and get them to prepare what you need." He walked to the door and then turned back to Val "See you later, then" Val saluted from his bed "See you later."

True to his word, by midday, Val had made his way down the stairs into the common room. There was no sign of Thomas so Val set himself down by one of the windows. A slim serving maid who was filling water canisters spotted him and approached.

Sabbanath - Book 1 of The Elements of DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now