Chapter 17

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Against the backdrop of the waterfall, Val once again began to see the forms of the others. There was no pause this time, no discussion. They were moving closer to the camp and Val found that his feet were following them. The path they were on bent towards the centre of the waterfall at first and then turned sharply to the right until it became a ledge overlooking the pool of water below them. The ledge was a couple of feet in breadth and ordinarily wide enough but with the slickness of the well-washed stone under his feet and the drop on the other side Val found himself moving with his back hard against the wall behind him. Were they just going to march into the camp? Val wanted them to stop and take stock of where they were and their surroundings but still the others moved forward. Then Mellings was reaching over his shoulder for his rifle and Val could do nothing but emulate him. He found he was biting hard down on his lip. Distantly, he realised that the spray from the waterfall was heavy here and he could taste it on his lips. His clothes were quickly becoming soaked and water dripped from his hat in a steady flow. He felt himself divided into two. One was full of fear and was shouting that this was madness and he shouldn't be here. The other was keenly focused and almost primitive, just acting on instinct and reacting to each moment as it was presented. He felt confused not knowing which one he was, while knowing that he was both at the same time. A decision came to him to focus on the latter. With what he was about to face, it was the one best suited to ensure his survival. Then suddenly, Mellings stopped and adapted a crouched position which Val imitated. They had reached the edge of the falls and were about to move out of its protective cover. Mellings turned and placed his hand on Val's knee patting it in a manner which seemed to indicate they should wait. Val tried to get a look at the others ahead but this close against the side of the wall deep in shadow it was hard to make out anything. The glowing firelight was a constant draw for his eyes through the water. He felt drawn to it like a moth to a flame, seeking the only light available amongst the darkness. Then Mellings hand was patting his knee again but this time with the message to move forward. They remained crouched and in the shadows as they passed out beyond the waterfall. The splashing water on the nearby rocks prevented Val from getting a clear picture of the camp at first but soon he was far enough out that he could form a better impression. His eyes were immediately pulled towards the campfire again. The flames were low now but heavy logs had been fed to it to ensure that it would continue to burn for a good time yet. A pot had been placed at the side of the fire as if to keep whatever its contents were warm. He could make out at least two if not three mounds close to the fire which Val assumed were the sleeping forms of the gang members. He let out a long breath that he seemed to have been holding for a long time. If the gang were asleep then they were still undiscovered. The sound of the nearby falling water still dominated all other sound and Val was anxious to be away from it so he could be sure that the camp was in fact quiet. It seemed that the others thought the same as they made their way slowly out off the ledge and towards some nearby rocks that would give good cover. They still made sure that they were well away from the light of the fire. Close together at the rock, Val was able to distinguish the faces of the others. Compared to the pitch blackness of the cave the moonlit night seemed like the pre-dawn. Everyone looked to the Sergeant who was scanning the campsite. He turned back to the others holding up three fingers indicating the mounds they supposed to be sleeping gang members. He then pointed back the way they had come to count four, towards the lookout point over the river to count five and towards the main entrance to count six. Olive had told them that one member always slept at the main entrance. He then showed one finger and shrugged his soldiers to indicate that there was one more member unaccounted for, according to the number of seven that Olive had said were remaining in the gang. He pointed at Mellings and Graham and indicated that they should move to their left across the face of the waterfall. He gave the signal to Olive and Val that they should remain with him here behind the rocks for the time being.

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