• 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚠 𝙾𝚏 𝙼𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 •

654 18 5

Posted On: 03-27-21 7pm PST
Author's Note:
Hello!! To whoever happened to come across my writing :3 thank you for giving this a shot! I've got a Tsuki x reader on going right now [if you're not coming from there] it is coming quite close to the ending so you can read that while you wait for updates hihi. However, if you're reading this, chapter 2 & 3 are up!!!


I, (Y/N) Hamasaki, will make my senior year count.
At least that's what I tried telling myself while I sat in my car at the parking lot...
Moving to Aobajohsai should be a great new start for me.
Even though I don't know a single soul here, I can finally make a change for myself.
I will no longer be the shy, soft-spoken, so-and-so's ex girlfriend.

I sat in my car for a few more minutes..
Contemplating whether this move was a smart idea or I should bail now and go back to Inarizaki.
I looked at my phone to check the time to see how much I have left to stall in here.
The screen lit up and it read: 7:40 am
I have roughly 20 minutes to go look for my homeroom and my locker..
I should go now.

I took in a deep breath..
Closed my eyes..
Then exhale...
I got this..
After my little pep-talk and meditation, I swung my car door open and..

I swung the door open..
But if school taught me anything, it'd be the law of motion.
'An object that's in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force..'
In my case, the 'unbalanced force' that kept my door from swinging open is now knocked down on the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Were you trying to kill me with that door?" The so-called unbalanced force grunted.
He's wearing an Aobajohsai windbreaker.
An athlete I'm guessing.
"I- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to" I held out my hand to help him get up but he dodged.
"Are you sure? Or is this one of your quirky tricks to get my attention?!" He said smugly while patting off the dust that had grown a liking on his pants.
"W-what?? No! I don't even know you, I'm -" I tried to explain myself and tell him that I'm new here, but he cut me off.
"Yeah, yeah.. that's an old excuse. I've heard it all. So if you want an autograph, you can wait at the volleyball gym with the rest of the girls..if you get lucky" he gave me one obnoxious smile before walking off.


Ugh this is not how I thought my first day would go.
But I won't let a cocky volleyball boy ruin my first day.
So I grabbed my bag and headed to the school building.

I pulled out my phone again to check for time.
7:49 pm
Almost lost 10 minutes because of that fucking dick at the lot.
I walked down the hall that was surprisingly relatively empty and searched for my locker.

I proceeded on trying to unlock it, but it seems that the odds are not in my favor today.
Wtf.. why wouldn't it budge?
I tugged, and wiggled the lock desperately with full force.
But it made no difference.
"Uhm.. what do you think you're doing?" A rather masculine voice spoke right behind me.
Great, another asshole to deal with.
I thought to myself.
"I'm trying to open my locker. What else does it look like?" I didn't turn around to see who it was nor did I care to see their face.
So I just kept on struggling to unlock my locker with my lock combination.
"Uh.. but this is my locker.." he corrected me.
I turn around to face the voice in question.

He had spiky dark hair.
A tanner skin and sharp features.
Tall, but maybe a couple or so inches shorter than the asshole at the parking lot.
But I wouldn't say he looks friendlier at all.
My back was pressed against the locker that he claims to be his as he inched closer to me.
My heart started racing, not the in-love kinda beat but more like scared.
I didn't know what he was planning to do next but he reached for the lock that's sitting so close to my left ear.

The lock unhinged and I moved away.
The embarrassment started to become obvious on my face and he turned to look at me.
"I'm guessing you're new here? My name is Iwaizumi Hajime by the way" He said while shoving textbooks after textbooks in his locker.
I felt a little frozen, and I still couldn't get over the embarrassment.
"Hamasaki (Y/N)" I nodded back to him.
"Here, let me see" he grabbed the crumpled paper in my hand and straightened it out.
He examines it while occasionally looking up and searching for the classes.
"Oh! We have the same homeroom! Anddd you're locker is 116 not 120" he giggled as he locked up.
Saying I have poor judgments is an understatement.
He's far nicer than I sized him up to be.

We ended up walking to homeroom together.
The hallway stretched before us like an endless road eager to drag time.
"So.. where did you spend your past two years of highschool?" He asked while we walked down the hall.
There are now a sudden rush of students since class is about to start in a few minutes.
"Inarizaki" I said with a softer voice than I intended.
I know I said I'd be more confident, but the whole being the 'new student' isn't helping much.
"Woah, they have a really good volleyball team. That's cool" he said smugly.
But I don't think he meant it to come out that way.
Though, he's not wrong about Inarizaki's incredible volleyball team.
I should know.

We got to our classroom shortly after, and my stomach is tied up in all kinds of knots.
I'm nervous..
New faces every where..
I hid behind him and
I unconsciously grab a hold of his bag that's dangling on one shoulder.
This  made him look back at me.
"Let's sit together then, I'm sure my friend won't mind" he smiled and led me to the two empty desk placed side by side to one another by the window.
This is good.
I guess I'm making a new friend already.

The first bell rang and most of the students started settling in their seats.
I can tell that Iwaizumi is searching for his friend in the crowd of bodies rushing into the room.
But I looked down on my phone to keep myself preoccupied instead.
"OIKAWA! Over here!!" I heard him signal to his friend to come over our way.
Gosh, I hope they're just as nice as he is.
I didn't look up, but I can hear his friend's footstep get closer behind our desks.
"Uhm, excuse me lady but you're sitting on my seat" I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around.
Just to see the same volleyball windbreaker at the parking lot.
"Seriously, you again?"

How can a boy like Iwaizumi be friends with a jerk like him?!

 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚃| ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ɪᴡᴀWhere stories live. Discover now