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A/N ~
Here it is! My first fanfic haha! Hope you guys enjoy, and please vote and comment if you do 😁

Also, a quick note, this story may not be very accurate in terms of the MCU timeline, for example some characters aren't dead when they should be etc. It's only that way so the plot works properly and I'm sorry if that bothers you!

I should also mention there's a bit of cursing throughout the book too.

Thanks for clicking on this book, and I hope you enjoy!

Y/N - Your Name
Y/L/N - Your Last Name


You crawled your way over to the corner of the room, determined to get out before unconsciousness took over your body. The pain was unbearable, forcing dark spots to appear in your vision as you leant against the wall for support.

Hydra had been putting you through your most extreme 'testing' yet, pinning you down and sending whatever strange and painful drug in their large syringes to course through your blood. This time it was different however. Muffled, worried Russian voices whispered things you didn't understand. They all left the room, leaving you alone, squinting at the bright white lights shining down on the table you were laying on. Before you knew it, your ears started ringing as the wall to the right of you crumbled and caved in right before your eyes. The explosion had so much power it sent you flying across the room, flinging your body against the opposite wall. You were confused and scared, the old pain from the strange drug still there, and fresh pain from the impact of the explosion. You were alone, barely able to stay conscious, let alone stand.

Despite this, you were still determined to escape. Still using the wall to support yourself, you ignored the blinding pain, dragging yourself along the ground. It wasn't long before your legs gave way however, and you noticed some shrapnel had left a huge gash in the side of your leg. Trying a new approach, you turned onto your stomach and started to army-crawl over to the door. Eventually you propped yourself up, putting as much weight as you could against the wall as you sat there, panting. If you couldn't even leave the room you were in, how could you expect to escape without being caught?

Convinced all hope was lost, you leant back against the wall, accepting the darkness instead of fighting it, the pain finally numbing.

A/N ~
And there we have it! The first chapter haha! What did you think? I'm sorry, I know it's not very long, but it's just setting the story up (the next one will be longer I promise, and it will include Bucky 😁😁)

Please vote or comment if you enjoyed, I love to hear feedback or opinions or just chat with readers so that would be greatly appreciated!!

Love you all and have a spectacular day

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