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"NO, BUCKY!" You let out a yell as his body fell limp.


This wasn't happening.

This was just another one of your nightmares.

"Y/N! What's happening down there?" Tony kept yelling worriedly through the intercom.

"He- He's-" You couldn't finish the sentence as you broke down into sobs. He couldn't be gone. The one person you loved, who knew you better than you probably knew yourself.

You rested your head on his shoulder, taking his cold hand in yours. "Please let this all be a bad dream," you whispered.

Suddenly you remembered. That one time when you were really upset and angry. You stopped time.

You could manipulate time.

You could reverse Bucky's death.

Stunned at your new revelation, you tried to channel your grief as much as possible, to use your emotions to reverse time by just a few minutes. That's all you needed.

Your hands glowed for a moment before your power fizzled out again.

This process repeated a few more times and kept failing as you lost more and more hope by the second. After what felt like a century, it still wasn't working. Your powers loved to show up uninvited but never worked when they were actually needed.

"Fuck!" You yelled with a sob, angry and upset at everything. Bucky didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve to be lying dead on the floor. Not when all he was trying to do was save you.

You cried there on the floor next to Bucky for a while, both unsure and not caring where the other avengers were at that present moment. You weren't even sure you wanted to be found at this point.

It was all gone.

The person you loved.

The memories of your past life

Any person you truly had a connection with.

You had nothing left.

You had nothing left.

With this thought, your hands began to glow, brighter and brighter as the lit the dim room. Your powers tore through you with a scream as you saw everything begin to rewind before your very eyes.

When the bright light had finally disappeared, you were standing there in Bucky's arms. Staring up at him. Approximately 30 seconds before he was shot.

You kiss him quickly. "I love you. I will always love you, and that's why I'm doing this."

He looked both happy and confused as you shoved him out of the way, just as the Hydra shooter pulled the trigger.

The next few minutes happened quickly.

You try to jump out of the way, but the bullet enters your side.

Bucky screams out your name as you collapse to the ground.

He runs and snaps the Hydra agent's neck before kneeling by your side, pulling you into his lap and whispering your name over and over again.

You smile to yourself. You had done it. You had saved it.

You looked up at him as he gently cupped your face. "Y/N, you knew. How?" His voice sounded so desperate, so worried.

"Remember that day I froze time?"

His face dropped in realisation. "It was supposed to be me. You sacrificed yourself for me. It should've been me, Y/N, why did you do that?"

"Because I love you Bucky. And I can't live without you."

He smiled sadly, drawing you closer to him. "And what if I can't live without you."

You chuckled softly, wincing as it brought your pain. "I didn't exactly think of that."

His face turned worried and then determined. "You'll be okay doll. I'll get help. Just stay awake for me please. I love you."

"Bucky, it's too late."

"Don't say that, Y/N. You have to stay awake, stay alive. For me if for no one else."

You smile at him again. "I'll try."

But your attempt failed as your consciousness slowly slipped away, the last thing you heard being Bucky's worried voice as you fell into the darkness.


ewww I freaking hate this chapter it's awful I'm so sorry lol

gonna try and edit this book when it's done so I'll hopefully rewrite it then haha when I have my laptop I hateee writing on my phone but when you gotta update you update

anyway thanks for putting up with my shitty writing, see you all next time and have an amazing day

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