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I'm so sorry my updating has been terrible please use this excuse for a chapter as an apology love you all

also I'm no doctor so don't get mad at me if there's incorrect or unrealistic medical terminology/scenes please and thank you

Third Person POV ~

"I have news on Y/N." Dr. Cho said, causing the other Avengers' heads to snap up.

"Well, is she okay?" Wanda asked, rather impatiently, but only due to her worry for her friend's life.

"She got here just in time. Any longer and we would have lost her. But she survived surgery, and despite being in critical condition, she is alive."

Nat released a relieved gasp, Wanda's smile grew larger and Tony gave a raspy, shocked chuckle.

"I knew she would make it." Nat said with a grin.

"Who's gonna tell Bucky?" Tony asked with a smirk.

Steve smiled. "I will. He's taking all this a little hard right now, so we have to be gentle."

He went to his room, knocking gently on the door.

"Come in." Bucky's reply was soft and hoarse. Steve opened the door, his eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room. He tried to ignore Bucky's red, bloodshot eyes as he smiled softly.

Bucky frowned slightly at Steve's happy expression, and rubbed his eyes. "What did you want?"

"We heard about Y/N. She's okay, Buck."

Bucky exhaled shakily, shocked by Steve's news. He almost didn't believe him for a second. She was okay. She was actually okay. He half laughed/half cried as he wrapped his arms around Steve. Bucky usually wasn't one for affection, unless it was Y/N, but needed an outlet for the sudden rush of relief he had gotten. He didn't have to worry anymore. Y/N had made it.

"Can I see her?" He asked Steve after a second, desperate to see her again.

Steve smiled, almost sadly. "Dr. Cho said she's still in critical condition, so she isn't awake just yet. But I'm sure she'd let you see her."

Bucky's eyebrows furrowed at this. What if they were all celebrating too early? What if even though she survived the surgery she wouldn't survive the night?

He inhaled slowly, focusing on his breathing just as Y/N had taught him. He always was a pessimistic person, and she had tried to teach him methods that she used to stop her from overthinking everything. 

It would be okay. Y/N already lived through the bumpy plane ride back, and the surgery; she had already made it longer than they'd expected with the severity of her injury. He couldn't worry about that now, he just had to be there for her, stay with her, not push everyone away because of his fears.

"Buck?" Steve's concerned voice snapped him out of his thoughts as Bucky stared up at him. 

"Sorry, I was just- thinking. Can we- can we go see her now?"

Steve smiled. "Of course."

Bucky followed his friend out of his room. All the Avengers were muttering rather excitedly, all very relieved at the news.

Tony chuckled, clapping Bucky on the shoulder. "Ah, look who finally decided to emerge from the shadows," his tone changed to a more serious, yet still lighthearted one. "It's good to see you, Barnes."

Bucky offered a small smile. "Thank you for helping her. I don't know what I would've done if she-"

Tony smiled sadly. "She's part of the family now, pal. Even if she wasn't I wouldn't of put any less effort into saving her."

Bucky swallowed the small tinge of guilt and self-loathing that began to emerge in his thoughts once more, drawing his focus back to the double doors leading into the medical wing. He didn't know if he could stand the thought of Y/N, frail and in pain, but his heart yearned to see her, hold her, kiss her. To just be in her presence again would be a miracle.

Steve noticed his nerves and pat his shoulder reassuringly. "She's just through there, Buck. You should go see her."

Bucky sighed and nodded, before turning to Dr. Cho. She nodded in response and motioned for him to follow her through the doors.

The medical wing wasn't a place Bucky liked to visit. He'd spent a bit of time there while still struggling under Hydra's control, and the memories weren't great. But as he travelled past the whitewashed walls and inhaled the faint scent of bleach he kept his mind focused on Y/N. The way she smiled, the way she laughed, the way she made him feel. That could make him get through anything.

They turned right once, before arriving at a room. Faint beeping sounds could be heard, that grew louder as Bucky entered.

There she was. He was taken aback by the sight, Y/N wrapped in bandages, tubes and wires coming out in all directions. Her skin was unbelievably pale and her hair was disheveled. He still thought she was beautiful regardless. He ran up beside her, sitting beside her bed and reaching for her hand.

"I'll never let anything bad happen to you again."

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