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You were deep in thought as the hot water ran down your back. Bucky had become more and more protective over you ever since the kiss, and while you appreciated his worry, you weren't used to having people actually care about you.

You got out of the shower and slipped on a random pair of mismatched pajamas. Honestly, they probably weren't even pajamas as you were used to wearing a random selection of shorts and a t-shirt to bed. You were exhausted after your mission, and while sleep would've been your preference, a movie night with the others was definitely the second best option. 

Bucky, Steve and Nat were the first people there as you sauntered downstairs. Bucky came to you immediately. "Y/N, are you okay?"

You nodded sleepily. "You have to stop worrying Bucky. I've handled everything on my own for so long, I can handle one mission." It came out a bit harsher than you would've liked and you swallow your guilt.

"You're right, I'm sorry." 

You looked up at him. "You are?"

"Yeah, I forgot how strong you are to put up with Hydra for so long. I just don't like seeing you hurt."

You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck. It was nice knowing he trusted your judgement and capabilities. 

"Wait, are you two-?" Steve watched your interaction, noticing the change in your relationship compared to a few days ago. Nat however just stood there with a smug smirk on her face, happy she knew the tower's latest gossip before Steve did. You just laugh as you pushed past them both, collapsing on the couch.

Soon, the rest of the Avengers arrived, minus Bruce; who, surprise surprise, was working in his lab until late. A random movie as put on as you happily settled in your spot next to Bucky.

Bucky POV~

I wasn't paying attention to the movie. I was watching Y/N. Part of me felt guilty that she thought I was being too overprotective. It was true though, I never wanted to see her get hurt. I would always rather it be me every time. But I hated that she thought it was because she wasn't capable enough.

She let out a small yawn as she curled up against me, her eyes half-shut. I loved more than anything I was now able to call her mine. I ignored the stares from the other Avengers as I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, encouraging her to fall asleep if she needed to. Which she did.


When the movie was over, she was peacefully snoring against my shoulder. I gently lifted her up into my arms, desperately trying not to wake her as I made my way to her room. I drew back the covers on her bed, placing her down slowly before walking back towards the door again. A hand on my wrist stopped me.

"Bucky, don't leave me," she mumbled, her eyes half-open. She shuffled sideways and I slid down next to her, letting her rest her head against my chest as I laid an arm around her shoulders.

"I would never," I whispered back.

(time skip a few weeks) Y/N POV~

You woke slowly, blinking your eyes quickly as they adjusted to the light. Instinctively, you rolled over on your side, expecting to find Bucky facing you, only to see he wasn't. That was strange. For the past few weeks you had gotten so used to waking up beside him, your favorite way to start the day as you noticed the amount of nightmares you had decrease every week.

Sliding back the covers, you shudder at the sudden exposure to the cold as you slipped on a fluffy robe. One steaming hot shower later, you were dressed in comfy casual clothes, deciding on finding Bucky quickly, still wondering as to where he had gone off to.

The tower seemed deserted as you scoured the halls, unable to find anybody, let alone Bucky. Something was off...

You reached the final floor you had left to search, the very top one where Tony had held his party. You very much doubted anyone would be up here or on the roof, but considering you couldn't find anyone anywhere else it was your last option.

As you climb up to the very rooftop, memories of your first kiss with Bucky flooded back. It still felt like a dream, but at this point you were just going along with it either way.

A flash of movement from beside you caught your eye. You spun quickly. "Bucky, is that you?"

Another flash. "Natasha?"

Yet another flash. Your hands started to glow white in preparation as your panic started to grow. "Who's there?"

You were answered by a cold, rough hand against your mouth and a hard knock to the back of your head before everything went black.


ngl I kinda really hate this chapter I'm so sorry it's really shitty

but its just a filler I promise it'll pick up soon and I'll try to make my writing better as it does

so so so sorry for the pretty late update, I know I've taken a much much longer break between updates than usual I'll try to pick it up a bit more this week (everything has been really chaotic but hopefully I'll get into the swing of things soon)

anyway, that's all the apologising I needed to do, thank you for reading and have a great day!

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