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you drifted to sleep and were immediately met with a familiar place, standing in the middle of the place. you knew it was a dream since you shouldnt be able to walk yet.

the sun was shining dimly onto your face, it was close to sunrise, you were about 6 or 7 at the time.

looking around you noticed it was your house, standing in front of the low stairs, you knew exactly what day it was.

you had wished to never remember this moment again, but here you were, dreaming about it. your body was moving on its own and you had climbed the few stairs.

now standing on the wooden veranda, in front of the sliding door of your japenese styled house. you heard your mom on the other side of the door.

hearing her muffled cries from behind the door and you knew why she was crying. you wanted to slide the door open and tell her, 'it will be fine mom, dad will be back soon.'

she hated jujutsu sorcerers ever since your dad became one. your mom always despised the fact that he was out on dangerous adventures all the time.

he could be dying at any time but you knew deep down that he was strong. your mom on the other hand would be careful as always, she had no faith in your dad whatsoever.

your 7 year old self stood in front of the door. you knew that your mom hated you for the decision you made to become a jujutsu sorcerer.

looking down to your feet, you couldnt even face her at this moment. you felt sorry for her, sorry for the fact that the two people who she loved the most were doing the things she despised.

when you made your decision to become a sorcerer, you doubted it alot. you went through a few sleepless nights and came to the conclusion that you wanted to help the world.

there were people out here suffering from curses and you had the potential to help them. and so you made that choice. completely abandoning your mom in the process. you hoped she was safe now though.

you were still standing motionless in your dream, you sighed as you couldnt move away from the sobs of your mother. this moment made you become a jujutsu sorcerer even more. to protect your mom.

she was looking so fragile now and you wanted the best for her. one day when you would become one of the best sorcerers, there would be no more curses existing.

you could go home, your dad would come home too and everyone would be safe. that was your idea of a perfect family.

'please, hang in there.' you thought to yourself when you wanted to speak up, but your mouth wouldnt open. you couldnt take it to hear her crying any longer and tried to drain the sound out.

shutting your eyes tightly closed while still looking down, it helped slightly. you suddenly heard the voices of others around you.

your house in front of you went up in black smoke, so did the veranda you were standing on. you looked around you while panicking to see what was happening.

the black smoke became a thick black substance and covered your entire view, all you saw was a black void now.

you got a massive headache and slightly groaned. you were surprised you could do that now since your body wasnt listening to you earlier.

you realized you were looking at the back of your eyelids again, the dream was over but your headache wasnt. your eyebrows furrowed and you groaned once more.

with your body finally listening to you in a way, you tried opening your eyes. your eyelids were so heavy but you slowly managed.

slightly peaking, you were immediately blinded by the white hospital lights. the sounds around you became louder as you came back to your senses more.

you heard a familiar voice, "back so soon, huh?" your sensei spoke up, he had expected you to come back to your senses a few days earlier than scheduled. and so he waited the previous two days next to your bed.

"gojo-sens-" you tried to speak up but were immediately interrupted by gojo himself, "you shouldnt be speaking now." he said as he put his magazine that he was reading on the table next to him.

he stood up straight and continued, "you woke up earlier than we thought. you still need to heal." he breathed out in a serious tone.

gojo walked over to the door of the infirmary and opened it, "im getting a doctor for you, ill be back." but he was immediately stopped by someone.

you heard the voice you heard when you were in your coma. "oh, nanami?" your sensei spoke up surprised. you slowly shifted your head to look at the door.

seeing a tall man with dark blonde hair and with glasses that covered his eyes like gojo, you figured he must be a teacher or such here at jujutsu tech.

nanami looked at you as you stared with narrowed eyes at him, he turned his head back at gojo and said, "we would tell him first that she was awake, right?" he spoke up, remembering the promise he made with that boy from the hallway.

gojo formed his mouth in an o like shape and pointed at nanami, "ah right! will you do that then?" your sensei asked. "ill get the nurse." he continued.

the two men left and you were once again alone, but this time awake in the infirmary. you thought back about what you heard during your coma and tried to recall that voice who confessed their feelings for you.

you couldnt, you completely forgot their voice. all you knew was that it was a male from about your age, around 16-18 that is.

sighing as you were eager to find out, you tried to sit up. your mouth was still dry and your muscles were stiff from laying all week.

you managed to sit up finally and turned your head towards the table which was next to your bed. seeing a digital clock, it read 'thursday - 5.46PM' you sighed once more as you realized you were out for 10 whole days.

at least you woke up about 4 days earlier than expected. your stomach didnt feel that bad anymore either, it still hurted when you sat up but the pain was bearable.

you felt two straps around your ears which were connected to a breathing mask, you figured you could breath now again on your own since you were conscious again, and so you removed it.

putting the mask to your side of the bed, you opened your eyes fully, taking in all the light. scanning the room you saw there were 3 other beds here, your bed being closest to the window.

as you looked outside, you saw a bunch of flowers on your table along with a 'get well soon' balloon. you smiled softly at the sight.

it reminded you of the white amaryllis that inumaki gave you, you knew no one had acces to your room and were slightly disappointed as you figured it would have died by now due to dehydration.

right at your moment of realization, you heard footsteps approaching the door. the door slid open and revealed your sensei and the doctor.

"nanami will be back with the others soon, they have all missed you." gojo spoke up with a smile on his face.

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