63 - season 2

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welcome to the first chapter of season 2, this is a warm up chapter to wake up my writing after two years. please feel free to give any tips and improvements in the comments. <3

the white tinted curtains swayed gently in the warm breeze, you could hear the occasional laughter of your fellow comrades outside as they were training outdoors in the fields.

you specifically heard yuuji and nobara, they were practicing their close combat. the sounds around you were mixed while you heared the rusting of a few leaves as they passed by in the wind.

luckily you were inside, in the infirmary to be exact. "youve made insane progress." you heard the taller male speak from behind you, his voice laced with the slightest hint of surprise.

you turned around swiftly, your eyes landing on the black haired teacher as he guided you with your process of discovering your newfound technique.

"thank you, kuboyashu." you spoke up as you made eye contact with the male, a small smile evident on your features.

you had your arm stretched out, your palm facing upwards as there were a few blood droplets dancing around above it. you were mastering it on smaller scale currently.

it had been almost six months since you discovered you were part of the kamo clan, the fact that your dad, osamu kamo, was the previous head of the clan gave you even more determination to train more.

the few rays of sunlight made its way in the already well lit infirmary, adding warmth to the room. "youre done." kaito spoke up in his usual monotone voice, clicking the stopwatch in his hand.

as if on que, you adjusted your hand movement and guided the few droplets to the small petri dish of blood, dropping the droplets with the remaining blood.

"that is a new record." your supervisor spoke up as he wrote down the time you controlled the smaller blood sample.

you could hear the pen scribbling down on the paper, he was noting down the new time you mamaged to hold the blood completely still in the air.

a smile was made as you heard your progress, you walked over to your doctor and looked over his shoulder, curious to see your new time.

your eyes widened as they scanned the text kaito wrote down on your statistics paper, "eighty minutes and fourty seconds..." you said almost in a whisper.

the progress was surreal to you, you didnt realize you were standing there for so long, your focus on holding the droplets was making you forget about the time entirely.

you took a deep breath as you stood straight again, impressed by your own progress. looking over at the clock you saw it was only 4PM yet, you still had alot to do.

the clocked ticked away softly as the few birds chirped outside, their sounds in sync with your busy comrades who were training outside.

"youre free to go, i will finish the remaining paperwork." kaito spoke up as he kept his vision on the papers he was writing.

he was busy writing the newfound information and new observations about your technique, he was slightly slouched over as he was seated behind the table, a few loose strands of his pitch black hair falling onto his forehead.

you nodded in agreement and spoke up, "thank you, have a good day." you said politely as you bid him farewell and left the infirmary.

the moment you closed the door you heard footsteps approaching you, you looked to the side where you heard them coming from.

the footsteps echoed loudly through the long hallway of the infirmary, soon enough you made eye contact with your favorite violet-eyed male.

your eyes lit up as you saw him, the corners of your mouth curled upwards as you were happy to see him again, you had not seen him all day yet.

"toge!" you made out as you launched yourself into his warm embrace, you wrapped your arms around his neck, his warmth felt comforting to you, it felt as if he was your home.

he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and tighter to his own body, you could feel his chest rise and fall as the both of you appreciated the moment and each others embrace.

after a while he took a small step back, he moved his hand upwards to cup your face as he spoke up, "i missed you." he said softly, careful that his words wouldnt affect his cursed speech.

he looked deeply into your eyes, his pupils dilating as he looked at you. with his eyes crooked he had a smile on his face. without hesitation he inched closer and closed the distance between your faces.

inumaki kissed you on the lips, you felt his soft lips crash onto yours in a gentle manner, his warmth returned once more as you melted into the short kiss and closed your eyes.

the moment felt like an eternity, you loved every second of it and appreciated him. he broke the kiss after mere seconds by distancing himself from you, your lips parted and you could freely breath again.

you felt your cheeks heat up as he showered you with affection, you saw from his blush he had the same feeling as you.

a smile was made on your face as well, "i missed you too." you spoke up as you smiled wider at the white haired boy.

suddenly you realized he had probably been waiting here the enitre time, your mouth slightly opened in surprise of your realization and you widened you eyes as you were about to speak up.

"did you wait for me?" you said as you recalled it had been a good eighty minutes while you were inside the infirmary.

he laughed sofly as his hand slid from your face to your shoulder, his laughter was music to your ears as you softened from his precious laugh.

he decided to not answer it and held his finger in front of his lips as he spoke, "secret!" he said playfully, knowing that he indeed had been waiting the enitre time.

you laughed from his response, "alright, alright!" you said as you played with him, acting like you didnt know he had waited.

his arm fell down from your shoulder as he cupped your hand with it, he interwined his fingers with yours and was ready to move out the infirmary as he remained looking at you with the same smile, a small blush still evident on his face.

"lets go see the rest." you spoke up to him, your voice slightly echoing in the empty infimary hallway, indicating that you two would join the rest of the students with their combat training.

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