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you were standing there, dumbfounded, trying to process what just happened. you expected megumi to be sad but not lash out on you. 'are we still friends?' was the only thought that occupied your mind.

thinking back, he yelled out repeatedly that he knew that you couldnt return his feelings. your heart shattered as you thought back to his broken state, he hid it fairly well as you couldnt even take a quick glance at his face.

not knowing what to do, you felt more thoughts come up, all about megumi, thinking if it was the right decision or not. you had feelings for inumaki after all, not megumi.

how long you were standing there at the side of the training grounds, you dont know. you didnt want to know, you hurted one of your closest friends and you didnt even know if he considered you a friend still.

the lights around jujutsu tech automatically switched on, snapping you out of your long daze. the first thing you saw was that the sky was not a light orange-ish hue anymore but rather a dark purplish one.

you lost complete track of time, you really hoped you didnt worry anyone. legs moving on its own in a slow way towards jujutsu tech. as you arrived at the entrance, you went straight inside.

"y/n? i saw megumi rushing in earlier what h-" you heard the voice of your male cormade, yuuji. you ignored him and the other stare coming from panda. fortunately to you they were the only one crossing your path.

without even glancing at them, you went upstairs to your dorm, slamming your door behind you and walking towards your bed to sit on the egde of it.

you didnt even bother to turn the lights on or such, you slumped down while sitting and placed your elbows on your knees while holding your head in your hands.

not realizing it was the actual first time in your room after your long visit in the infirmary, you smelled something bad. you snapped your head up and looked towards to where the smell came from.

it was the amaryllis from inumaki. the beautiful white flower was now crumbled up, the flower petals had already fallen off, on the table.

the sight made your stomach sick. you couldnt stare at it any longer, you stood up and picked the flower up gently. then threw it in your garbage can. there was no use for it anymore anyways.

as you came back from the garbage can, on your way to lay back onto your bed, you noticed something in the hallway right in front of the door.

walking towards it, you saw it was a letter. picking up the light blue envelope, you turned it around and read it, in hopes of finding out who sent you this.

at first you thought it was from your mom, but upon further notice you saw that the name of the sender didnt resemble your moms in the slightest bit.

"hina and kazumi satou." you read out loud. you assumed they were either related or married. ridding yourself of any unnecessary thoughts, you wasted absolutely no time in opening the letter.

reading every word carefully,

dear l/n,

as noticed by our names, we are not your mom. im sorry to announce over letter that she will not be able to read your sweet letter.

we may be strangers to you, but we wish to discuss matters about izumi l/n. we were quite close with izumi actually and want to tell you what happened.

feel free to come by whenever you have time, you know our adress, we are in fact the new residents of the house where your mom used to live in.

-hina satou and kazumi satou

"what the fuck." is all you could say. your mind would normally be clouded by thoughts, but this time, it was empty. there was nothing in your mind except for confusion.

you sat once again on the edge of your bed, not knowing what to do. you stared forward into the space, zoning out. that was untill a knock on your door started you.

you heard a strong female voice, "l/n?" hearing maki on the other side of the door. her voice wasnt too loud or too soft, it was exactly right.

it was quiet for a while, "panda told me what happened, is everything okay between you and megumi?" she said with concern in her tone.

you were done, you didnt want to think about megumi as it would just remind you of his broken state. that is why you remained silent, not wanting to speak to anyone actually.

still looking in front of you from your bed, you heard maki continue, "i noticed you didnt eat as well." she breathed out. you sighed at her comment.

she was one of the sweetest senpais in the world but you really were drained from everything that had happened so far.

remaining quiet, maki took the hint and spoke up once more before leaving, "you can talk to me if you want." and with that, you heard her footsteps retreat.

breathing out heavily, you realized you were holding a breath you didnt know you had. you looked at the letter in your hand an figured you would have two options now.

one, stay here, make up with megumi and then go. or two, leave now and find out. you choose the latter, this could be a way to get your mind off the whole situation too.

if you would stay here, thing would definitely get more stressful, especially since you got a letter regarding your mom which had slightly concerning news.

you stood up slowly from your bed, standing up straight and eventually walking towards your backpack. you grabbed it and placed it on your bed.

trying to memorize, you figured your house would be around two solid hours away from jujutsu tech, its been around 4 months now since you went home anyway.

you looked around and grabbed some necessaries. it would be around 12AM when you would arrive there so you figured you would spent the night there. it was still kind off your house after all, and you had to find answers.

grabbing a plain shirt and sweatpants for pyjamas, you stuffed it in your bag. it already occupied around 70% of your backpack.

you went to the bathroom and grabbed your toothbrush, toothpaste and an extra hair tie. at last you stuffed a phone charger, some money and a powerbank in your bag too. and with that, you were finished packing.

tearing a piece of paper apart, you quickly started scribbling something on it.

im going to see my mom, its urgent

you looked at the paper and were satisfied with it. swaying the backpack on your back, you walked to your door and turned the handle to stand in the doorway.

looking back to double check if you didnt forget anything, you shut the door as quietly as you could, it was 10PM after all, which meant it was time for the curfew.

walking in a constant pace through the dimly lit hallway, you stopped in front of the door that lead to gojos room. you got the piece of paper in your hand and slid it under his door.

standing up straight, you had to be quick, if anyone saw you, you would be forced to go back to your room and potentially run laps too.

luckily gojos room was on the lower floor and you could immediately leave from the entrance without having to go down any more stairs.

you made your way to the door of jujutsu tech and silently opened it, the door cracking in the process. you cursed yourself and stood still in your tracks.

hoping no one heard that, you walked outside and took a deep refreshing breath from the outside air. it truly was nerve wracking.

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