The Walking Zombie

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"Ready? Action," the director says. Tori and Robbie begin rehearsing their lines.

"Uh, I don't know!" Tori exclaims.

"Oh, come on!" Robbie urges. "Why can't you admit that you're in love with me?"

"Why are you in love with me?" Tori asks.

"Because you're beautiful," Robbie replies. "Look at yourself in the moonlight."

"I can't."

"You can."

"No, a person can't look at their own face. It's impossible."

"Then marry me, and I'll buy you a thousand mirrors."

"But that's so many!"

"My father's a billionaire. I can give you everything you're ever wanted. And I'm very good-looking."

"Hmm... yeah."


"And lights go..." the director says.

"I don't know," Tori says to Beck.

"It's okay that you don't know," Beck answers.

"But you deserve an answer."

"I can wait. For you, I would wait a thousand years."

"But that's so many!"

"I know I'm poor. I know I don't have much to offer, but... I do love you." 

"Because I'm beautiful?" Tori asks.

"I don't love you because you're beautiful. You're beautiful because I love you."

"Woah." Suddenly disco music starts playing and lights are flashing. I stand up anger.

"What up with the disco?" I exclaim to Sinjin.

"I'm sorry! I hit the wrong thing," Sinjin answers. Jade stands up next to me.

"No, 15 years ago, your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!" Jade yells, annoyed.

"All right, why don't we take a break?" the director suggests. He turns to the actors. "Tori, Beck, you guys were great. Really nice stuff."

"Thanks," Tori replies.

"How was I?" Robbie asks.

"I've seen worse," the director says before turning to talk to another person.

"Uh, guys, guys!" Jade says, getting everyone's attention. "Everyone shut up a second."

"Whatcha got?" Beck asks as we all group together.

"An e-mail from Principal Eichner."

"That says?" Tori asks, impatiently. Jade glares at her.

"'To all students involved in our school's production of Uptown Downtown, Sofia Michelle will be in Los Angeles the weekend of the 17th and will be personally attending your opening-night performance.'"

"Oh. That's amazing," Robbie says. Everyone else begins to talk about their excitement.

"Sh-she's coming?" I ask, with my voice becoming irritably high pitched. "Sofia Michelle? The Sofia Michelle?"

"Oh, my god," the director mutters before running out of the theatre.

"Who's Sofia Michelle?" Tori asks.

"Oh, no, no, no," Jade says, pulling Beck with her towards the seats.


"She gets to be the lead and doesn't even know who Sofia Michelle is?" I exclaim.

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