A Job, A Film, and No Sleep

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With Caleb finally coming back, I've been feeling anxious about being around him. Before he left, we were normally all buddy-buddy but now I can't help but get flustered when I'm around him. 

We were sitting in the black box theater he was sitting next to Tori, and I sat next to my sister who was looking at something on her phone.

"Okay," Tori blurts randomly. "If you had to give up the internet or one of your feet."

"Foot," Cat replies quickly, lifting one of her feet in the process. Andre and Jade echo her words. Beck thinks for a moment.

"See ya, foot," Beck says. Caleb looks at his feet.

"Ditto," he agreed. Everyone looked at me.

"Internet." Most of my friends look at me strangely. "Because then I can use both of my feet, and common sense to walk away from dumb things like this."

"So, everyone- but Hailee- would give up a foot to keep the internet?" Tori asks.

"Totally," Beck states as if it were obvious.

"Wouldn't you?" Cat rebuts. 

"You love the internet," Andre tells her. 

"And you post on TheSlap every day," I add. Tori scoffs.

"Sure, but my foot is a part of my body!" Tori argues. "And the internet is... Yeah. Bye, foot." Caleb laughs at Tori's quick change in response and I feel myself start to get jealous. The bell rings, and our teacher finally walks in.

"All right, future superstars, take your seats," he says, taking large strides towards the front of the room. "Because at this point in your lives- I am in charge of you."

"Yes sir," I mutter. Cat giggles at my side comment. 

"Miss Valentine...."

"Only agreeing."

He sighs and continues. "Alright, let's not waste any more time. We've got some excitement today!"

"Yay, I love excitement!" Cat cheers. 

"Who doesn't love excitement?" Tori questions. Cat whips around to face the girl.

"Have you met my sister?"

I face Tori with a bored look plastered on my face. "How you doing?"

The two of us turn around, but instead of listening and being aware of my surroundings, my mind wanders. If I liked Caleb, wouldn't I have known? Why does everyone keep saying he's a distraction? I mean, sure he's a great guy- and his dimples are to die for- but I don't like him! I thought I liked Beck. 

Throughout class, I don't acknowledge Dale Squires. I don't notice a mob of students at the doors. And I certainly don't notice Beck watching me with a concerned look on his face.

* * *

After school, I had a shift at Maestro's. I started working there because Jet Brew wanted me to wake up at 5 in the morning and open the store. I refused and quit. At least now I can get paid to perform, but I'm there all night.

I enter Tori's house, looking forward to just going to bed, and notice a bunch of camera equipment and a bunch of my classmates.

"What the fuck?" I exclaim. I approach Tori who just finished talking to her mom.

"What did I miss in class?" I ask.

"Woah, you're dressed nice," Tori observes. 

"Yeah, I like to sleep in a dress and 3-inch heels." I cross my arms. "I work at Maestro's now. Now, what'd I miss?"

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