C H A P T E R 1

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"So that's what that feels like?" asked Kiara to her best friend Callie.

As the sun was already gone for an hour, the girls spent their evening contemplating  the stars, and Kiara spent it complaining about what just happened.

"I can't believe she did this to me," she said, upset to what Callie could hear in her voice. " I mean, I can understand you don't want much people to sneak at your house but your closest friend?" she finished by stating, waiting for her best friend to answer.

Callie and Kiara were friends since birth, and couldn't spend one day without seeing each other. Besides, Sarah Cameron, Kook Princess, was Kiara's best friend too, not that Callie loved her a lot.

"I think I have an idea, just to plot your own revenge you know," offered Callie, standing on her elbows.

As she saw Kiara getting suddenly interested , she kept going. Callie took her phone out her pocket and handled it to Kie. "Call the police"

"What ? You want me to call 911 because my best friend didn't invite me to her stupid party ?"

"No dumb-ass, you know, just tell them you can't sleep because of the noise," she finished by explaining, smiling at Kiara, already excited about it.

Kiara took the phone and waited for the officer to hang up.

"911 what's your emergency?" she heard as she giggled. Callie always had the best ideas.


(tw: mentions of abuse)

As she woke up, Callie made her way to the bathroom, got ready and headed downstairs to have breakfast. She waved at Cooper, and saw him leaving the house, probably to hang out with friends.

Callie had never loved Cooper's friends. Maybe she appreciated when Rafe was around but not for the way he acted with her at all. Just for the way he looked, cause no one could deny Rafe was hot as hell. He was an asshole anyways.

"Callie is that you ?" asked her uncles voice, as he entered the room.

"Who else do you want it to be?" she replied, rolling eyes.

"Don't talk to me that way, okay?"

"I talk however the fuck I want, you're not my dad"

The moment she knew she said something wrong, was when she felt his fist on her stomach. Except it was too late.


"You coming or what ?" asked John B as he saw the girls walking towards the hms Pogue.

"We thought you'd never come," he added, taking Kiara's hand to help her getting in the boat, as JJ helped Callie.

"M'lady," JJ offered as the brunette took his hand.

She giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, to what he faked fainting. Pope took over the steering wheel, they left the dock and headed the swamps, to make sure they wouldn't be bothered by other people.

After checking she hid the bruises properly, Cal laid on the prow of the boat, enjoying the sun rays. She hid the marks with some make-up, but anyways it wasn't the first time she had to hide them, it would be okay.

Her friends knew how bad her uncle was, but she was still hoping they wouldn't notice the cuts and bruises on her body today.

"We've heard about your amazing last night's idea Cal," said John B, laughing.

"I must say I'm pretty proud of her. She really did hit these Kooks. I would have paid to see their faces when the police came in," added JJ, laying next to Cal and closing his eyes as the sun was hurting them.

Callie laughed at his words. That's true, it's law of the jungle after all. "They for sure found drugs," added Pope, to what JJ threw him his shoe, yelling at him to stop being stuck-up like that.

"Hey Cal isn't it your brother on that boat?" asked Kiara, once her laugh subsided. Cal sat up and she rolled eyes as she noticed it was him, but more than all he was surrounded by the loving Kook crew. Only Kelce wasn't here.

"Hey Poguies," spoke Topper as he stopped the boat next to them.

"I've heard you got ghosted Kiara? must be hard" he kept going with a mocking tone that caused his friends to laugh.

Rafe was the one laughing the most, almost as if he found Kiara's sorrow funny.

Cal got up and stared at them, anger in the eyes. "Shut your mouth Topper. Won't you ever grow?" she asked.

He mouthed her a "no" as only answer and she rolled eyes.

"Nice to see you Cal. Nice boobs, where'd you get them from?" asked Rafe as she sent him a raised middle finger.

"Stop that man-" spoke in Cooper obviously awkward of the situation.

Rafe only winked at Callie and the Kooks boat drove away. Pope mumbled "assholes," staring at the Kook's crew setting out.

"I can't believe my brother is part of them," complained Callie as she threw herself sitting on the side of the boat.

JJ sat next to her and wrapped one of his arms around her shoulder. "I must say I'm pretty glad you're not like him," he spoke to what she giggled.

People could have believed JJ and Cal were flirting, but of course they weren't. They were friends since they were kids and promised nothing would ever happen more than friendship between them. Besides, there was THE no pogue on pogue macking rule.

"Don't listen to these assholes Kie. Kooks are and will always be Kooks"

"Look even Sarah Cameron's been a bitch last night. They are all evil and you finally saw it," stated John B, supported by his friends agreements.

"They'll beg to win you over someday," added Callie to comfort her friend, who seemed to not worry too much.

"I don't need them cause I got you. Pogues over Kooks right ?" replied Kiara, smiling.

"Hell yeah Pogues over these rich assholes" completed Pope, supporting his friend.

Callie laughed but then pictured herself coming back home tonight, and it was not as funny.


writers note : I hope y'all enjoyed this very first chapter, that kinda introduced the thing.

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