C H A P T E R 4

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"Dude what the-" Topper started saying as something hit him.

He got off her and she tried to sit in the bed. Her vision was blurry, because of the tears but she could tell Topper was fighting. Or more exactly someone was beating Topper up.

Her entire body was hurting, she was in a state she had never been in before, even as abused as she had been.

"Do-never-touch-a-girl-again," the voice spoke, almost yelling. "Especially if the girl is her" he added, punching again.


Callie woke up in somebody's arms and jumped to it's touch. She looked up at the person holding her and saw Rafe, looking down at her in concern.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Rafe told her, while she looked at him eyes wide open.

"Hey you're okay now," he whispered, letting her know she's safe.

All the memories came back in her head and she felt tears pouring down her cheeks. How could Topper be so awful?

She was now in her bedroom, wearing Rafe's grey hoodie he had been wearing the precedent night, wondering what would her next days be like. "You'll be alright Sanders. I promise"

She hugged him tighter, one of her hands wrapping his neck, like it could somehow help her forgetting what happened. He felt she wasn't okay and laid his chin on her head.

"I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough princess," he apologised.

"It's not your fault Cameron," she replied, wiping her tears away.

"Stop crying please. You're safe now"

"Rafe nobody has to know please," she asked slowly. "Please, Rafe"

"Then nobody's gonna know, you can trust me"

He left two soft kisses on her hair and she laid back a little bit. She hated to admit it but she felt safe here, in her bed, in Rafe's arms.

"Your brother and James weren't home so it wasn't too difficult carrying you here," he stated, causing her to smile against his chest.

"You drove me here?" she asked knowing it was a dumb question.

"Well otherwise how would you be here?"

"Right. Thanks Cameron, for saving my ass," she tried to keep her usual sense of humor.

"Of course baby, it's a big deal you know? I've been worried about you," he said as she nodded.

"Did you stay here all night?" she asked noticing thanks to her bedroom's clock it was already 10 am.

"Mhm, just making sure you were okay and you weren't doing anything stupid"

"Me?" she asked, taken aback by his words.

"I just wanted to be sure you wouldn't try to take your revenge or anything that could have cost you more troubles"

"Aw Rafe that's sweet but i wouldn't have made justice myself come on" she stated, obviously surprised of the way he thought she was. "And trust me I believe you punched him enough to what I saw last night"

"Not enough, but a lot," he joked, playing with a lock of her hair.

She laughed and got away from his embrace. She couldn't tell if he was sincerely concerned or would've done it for anyone, but she appreciated his support.

"How can you be so adorable after what happened to you last night?" asked Rafe, now sitting on the edge of the bed.

"There might be some adorable boy who helped me a lot," she teased, just to joke but she meant every single word.

They exchanged eye contact and she noticed he blushed a little bit.

"I'm gonna call my friends you can leave if you want. I mean it's not that I don't want you around or anyth-"

"Hey it's fine. Call me if anything's wrong princess, alright?" he immediately replied, giving her the time she needed.

"Hold on, take your hoodie back. If Coop finds it I'm dead," she said, taking it off. She handed it to him and he thanked her with a friendly smile.


DISCLAIMER : i saw a lot of comments wondering why was I mentioning John B's father. So here's my answer : this story happens the summer BEFORE the obx series so he's still here


"Hi gorgeous," John B said as she arrived at his house.

"How you doing honey? you look tired," Big John asked when Callie entered the living room. She pulled the man in a warm hug and he kissed the top of her head.

"Good as always, just annoyed of my uncle you know. How are you both? " she replied sitting on the couch.

"Good as always to quote you, Miss" John B's father replied, handing her a glass of water.

Callie always felt home at the chateau, for as long as she could tell. She remembered nights where Big John welcomed her after James went a bit too far. John B's father was the only adult who knew about her family issues, and she knew she could trust him. Always.

"JJ's gonna be here from a minute to another," John B stated, sitting next to Callie.

"How about Pope and Kie?" she asked.

"Speaking of the devil," Kie and Pope entered the room before John B could reply.

Barely arrived, Kie jumped in Callie's arms, excited. "Cal! you're taken you're taken!" she yelled.

"Kie! Don't say that! we've talked about it!"  Pope said like a father would.

"You're not taken, but you've got an interview Cal," she kept going rolling eyes at Pope. "I'm so proud of you"

"What are we talking about?" JJ asked, getting in the chateau.

"Callie's candidacy to Stanford was promising and my mom received a mail, saying she's got her interview," Kiara said, almost happier than Callie, dancing all around the room.

Callie got up and read the paper Kie was handing her. "No way," she whispered at herself, smiling.

Suddenly JJ took Callie as he could and raised her in the air. "You did it baby you did it!" he whooped.

"I bet 10$ you're gonna drop me dumbass," she laughed, while he grabbed her waist and turned in circle raising her up.

"You got in you got in," he kept yelling, to what she laughed harder.

"Not yet JJ, now I don't wanna witness an accident so drop your girlfriend back on the floor please," Big John instructed, to what JJ put her down.

"We're not dating," said Callie adjusting her blue tank top.

"not yet," whispered JJ in her ear to what she thumped him gently.

"Not even in your dreams"

"Ouch that hurts"

"You've earned it," Kiara teased, high-fiving Callie as they all made their way out of the chateau to take their boards and go surfing.

Approaching the beach, JJ grabbed Cal by the arm. "We need to talk" he whispered at her, more serious than ever before.

"Us two?" she asked, moving her finger from showing him to her and from her to him .

"Yeah us two, Now Callie" he said and when JJ called her Callie, it wasn't great at all.

And you've set | Rafe CameronTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon