C H A P T E R 3

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"Hey boys," the girls pair greeted the boys at the same time.

"Hi gorgeous ladies," replied Pope, laying on the sand.

The boys asked Kie and Cal to meet them at the beach at noon, earlier in the morning, so after getting ready, the girls left the house. This morning, Rafe and Coop were gone and James wasn't home. Same old shit.

"Anything new?" asked JJ as the girls sat next to them, making themselves comfortable .

"Nothing much, Coop has been Coop and so did Rafe," spoke Kiara, stealing Cal's words.

"Kie what do you mean by Rafe?" asked JJ rudely. JJ has always hated Rafe more than anyone in this crew and he couldn't stand Cal being around him against her will.

"He was home last night. Not a big deal," Callie said, knowing she shouldn't tell the boys and Kie about last night's meeting.

Cal kinda enjoyed the fact Kiara didn't hear anything last night . "Hey isn't it Ward Cameron walking on the beach over there ?" John B asked, showing a man with his finger.

"Looks like it's him. What is he doing on the cut ? He's gonna get contaminated he should be careful," joked Pope, to what everyone laughed.

"Hey kids," Ward spoke when he got closer to them. They all greeted back, faking politeness for him.

"Oh hey Cal! I didn't see you sweetheart. Well it's been such a while we didn't have a Sanders-Cameron's dinner,"

"Yeah that's, that's true," she replied, fake smiling.

"Well you know what? I'll call your uncle someday. See you soon alright?"

"Sure Mr Cameron"

"Oh please Cal , Ward, Ward is better," he replied using a friendly tone she didn't like a lot, moving away from the Pogues.

"Now he's your bestie can you give us some Kook privilege Cal ?" JJ asked clearly annoyed.

"JJ it's not my fault stop being so rude," Callie replied causing him to roll eyes. "If I could I wouldn't go to his stupid dinner"

"Then don't go," JJ snapped, annoyed.

"If I don't go, James is gonna be really mad and I don't think you wanna see the consequences of him getting really mad"

JJ understood and immediately changed his mind. Strangely, if JJ and Cal had a so special bound, different than with the others, it was because of their family issues. They always could relate to each other.

"Then go to that party"



"Whatever. Thanks for giving me the right to go there JJ that's very sweet of you," she argued, not meanly but to let him know he shouldn't control her life.

The next minutes were awkward as hell, full of little distractions from the others. John B made his possible to clean the air and make JJ and Callie talk to each other but they wouldn't exchange a word.

After a few minutes more, JJ got annoyed and realised they weren't kids anymore.

"Damn Sanders you're impossible," he spoke, making his way to sit next to Callie and giving her a reconciliation hug . She breathed in deeply and closed her eyes.

"I guess you're forgiven Maybank" she whispered causing him to giggle.


After leaving the beach and saying goodbye to her friends, at 9pm approximately, Callie walked home.

And you've set | Rafe CameronDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora