C H A P T E R 27

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Two days had passed since Rafe and Callie's conversation and she had spent time with her friends. They had been more than essential for her and she was really grateful for their presence.

She had occupied her mind with helping the Carreras at the Wreck or smoking blunts with JJ. Honestly she couldn't imagine her life without them.

Today was a weird day, indeed because it was James's burial. She hated cemeteries, maybe because it reminded her of her parents, anyways she knew she'd have to be strong.

Furthermore, James would be buried in his brothers grave, aka Callie and Cooper's dad.

She left home with Cooper, silent in the car. She knew her brother was extremely hurt by their loss, way more than her, so she didn't really know how to deal with his pain.

When they arrived, the amount of people present at the cemetery scared them at first.

"Here we go"

The siblings greeted a few persons, including Ward Cameron, miss Lana and her husband Scooter, Mike Carrera and some people they couldn't remember of.

Callie greeted her friends too, letting them know she'd join them with hands movements.

They soon watched the coffin being buried and Cooper cried a bit. Callie didn't, she just focused on the grave, seeing now her uncles name next to her father's one.

She felt a hand on her back and turned around to see Sheriff Peterkin. Her blood froze in her body. She had never loved cops.

The woman smiled shyly and the sheriff weirdly seemed nice. "When the burial's over, I would like to talk to you sweetie.. Don't worry it's nothing important, meet me there" she showed the police car with her finger and Callie nodded.

"What did she want?" asked Rafe, coming ouf of nowhere.

"Nothing important" she replied, before leaving him and Coop, as James was now fully buried.

She walked fast towards her friends but it was forgetting about Rafe's boldness to think she could escape him so easily.

He grabbed her wrist, forcing her to stop walking. He dragged her far from the others, making sure no one could hear them. "What are you doing Rafe?"

"What's up with Peterkin? What did she want you?"

"Nothing," she left out a sigh as he was annoying her, dealing with things he didn't have to.

"We haven't talked in a while Sanders," he stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Could we not have this conversation at James's burial?" she asked, with a trembling voice.

She was weak and tired, she didn't want to think of it now.

"I want to be there for you," he said, as he saw a tear falling from her eye. "I want to help you carrying it all"

"Rafe it's hard and-"

He cut her off by pulling her in for a hug and wrapping his arms around her. "I know, I know"

"It's just a lot, that's it" she sobbed as he felt her breaking down against him. She didn't want to admit she needed him, not now, it wasn't fair.

"You'll be okay baby, you just need some rest, you're tired," he gave her head kisses before she pulled away from him slowly and cleared her throat.

"Thanks Cameron, I guess I'll just go," she was embarrassed by him kissing her, calling her baby as if everything was okay between them, once again.

"Cal wait I-"

She walked away from him, not paying attention to his calls and didn't even look back, by fear he noticed her tears and realised she missed him.

She wanted to see her friends but remembered she had to talk to the Sheriff so she walked determined towards the car. When she arrived, Peterkin got out of it and smiled at her. "I'm really sorry darling, it must be hard"

She only nodded, and Peterkin went ahead. "You're 18, you're a grown girl, you can handle living alone, I'm not worried about that. Especially knowing you have a really good big brother, I'm sure he takes care of you so well"

"Yeah, Coop is a good brother, I'm completely okay to live with him"

"One more question before I stop bothering you.. Your uncle, was he- I mean I've had many neighbours complaints about him being violent, was that true? was he abusive?"

Callie could tell it was a lie. The houses around hers weren't occupied, or just by old persons not even able to call, so it wasn't true. How did Peterkin learn about it?

"No he was loving. Maybe sometimes he was mad when I listened to music too loud or spent too much time in the shower but that's all" she lied.

"Alright. If you ever need me, you can call this number" she gave him a note and Callie thanked her.

The car left and she walked to find her friends, still confused. Who the hell had told Peterkin about James?

"Hey guys!" she greeted all of her friends, smiling as if nothing was hurting her. Weirdly when she was around them, all her pain disappeared.

"Yo, you good?" John B asked, running his left hand through his brown messy hair.

"Yeah I just really need a blunt right now"

"Oh if it's the only thing you need you know uncle JJ's there for you baby," the blonde pogue stated, as she left out a giggle.

"Come on let's have a pogue type of night," Kiara stated, putting her arm over Callie's shoulder and hoping she would somehow forget about her pain by being around them.

Everything stayed bittersweet though.

But damn, Callie knew it, she wouldn't feel any better without him. She wanted to be his again and him to be fully hers.

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