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Callie and Rafe had spent time together for the past few days. They went to the beach, watched movies and cooked together. They were catching the time they had lost and even Coop could tell his sister was doing a lot better.

She had not forgotten about the Pogues though. Of course they had learnt about Callie and Rafe being a thing again but they didn't talk much about it.

Her friends knew he was important to her and her happiness, so they were kind of happy for her. They just had warned her he could do it again, she had to be prepared.

"Hi Jay," she kissed the boy's cheek when she got in the car as he was picking her up at the Cameron's house.

"That's the type of house I'm gonna get when I'll go full kook," JJ stated.

"You'll go full kook?" she laughed.

"I'll go full kook but make it pogue style"

She bursted out in laugh and raised her eyebrows. "That sounds pretty cool"

JJ kept driving the two of them until the marsh where they planned on meeting the others to fish. "I think Pope might be onto Kiara too," the blonde boy stated, and her eyes went wide.

"What makes you think that?"

"Like, the way he looks at her, the way he wants her to be around all the time. He's always making sure she's okay and I notice that shit"

"Does that hurt you?" Callie asked, and she immediately regretted.

"Hum I mean-" he started to reply.

"No it's fine JJ. Of course you don't like him being around the girl that you like. It makes sense"

"I'll have to put up with it I guess. No pogue on pogue macking anyways"

Callie looked at him and put her hands on his, as she didn't know how to comfort him. "You'll be fine JJ. You'll find your girl one day"

When they arrived, they got out of the car and Callie pulled him in for a hug. She wanted him to feel loved and appreciated as he deserved to be. "At least you have us"

"Pogues over hoes," JJ said, to what she softly slapped the back of his head.

"I hope you're not talking about Kie"

"Of course I'm not," he said as they walked towards the crew.

"Hi," Callie greeted the three of them, as she kissed Kie's head.

"How is killing fish so distracting?" the girl asked, as Callie rolled eyes.

"We just love the smell of blood," Callie smiled, to annoy her.

They all took place, sitting on the edge of the dock, as John B handed them beers.

JJ place himself between the two girls, as Pope and John B took place around them.

Callie noticed John B seemed pretty anxious, which was not usual. "you good?" she whispered at him, as he was next to her, making sure no one else would hear.

"Yup," he only replied, taking a sip of his beer. She decided not to pressure him, but knew something was up.

"I'm actually gonna go for a little swim," stated Kiara, taking off her tank top to jump in the water. Callie got up too, to do the same exact thing.

Before she had the chance to take off her clothes, JJ pushed her in the water, surprising her.

She just had time to drag him in with her, then she felt her body falling.

During the fall, their heads banged and they both left out a squeal. After they resurfaced, everyone stayed silent, waiting for them to say if they were okay.

"Damn JJ," Callie swam towards the dock, followed by the hurt boy.

"I'm gonna have a bump on my head," JJ complained, rubbing his forehead.

Callie left out a giggle as she helped him climbing up the dock. "Jay, you're the one who pushed me at the first place"

"She has a point," intervened Pope, sitting next to Callie, eying Kiara who was still swimming.

"You know what they say Maybank. If we go down then we go down together," she quoted one of her favorite songs, tickling his chin with her fingers.

"Shut up," he smirked, as the others bursted out in laugh to his sarcasm.

When the sun started to settle, they all got tired of swimming and fishing so they decided to head home.

"Hum.. John B, could you drop me at the Cameron's please?" Callie asked, her idea in mind.


They said goodbye to the others and she sat on the passenger seat, looking at her friend. "Will you tell me what's up? You've been quiet all day"

"I told you nothing was up will you, please, stop worrying like you're my mom?" 

"Not until you tell me what's up with you"

John B stayed silent as he started driving, looking at the road. "If I do tell you, will you stop harassing me?"


John B looked at her and then his gaze focused back on the road. "I'm worried about my dad. He's never home. And I really don't know where he goes when he leaves"

"What do you mean?" she asked for more details, without context it was hard to understand.

"I mean, he used to be there all the time. Even when you came over, do you remember these nights? well believe me or not, you can come over any time, you won't find him home"

"Maybe he thinks you've grown up and you don't want your old man to be with you all the time?" she asked, "maybe he thinks you want him away from you to have your freedom"

"He knows I need him. My mom left me I don't want him to leave me too," his voice cracked and she felt her heart shattering.

"I'm sorry John B, really"

"What worries me is not knowing where he goes. What if he spends his nights getting drunk with strangers? What if every time I go to sleep he's actually not okay and-"

"John B, it's not your fault. Just.. maybe talk to him next time he's home okay?"

The boy nodded as they arrived at the Cameron's. She hugged him, the pair sitting inside the car. She kept caressing his hair with her fingers. "You'll be okay John B"

"What if I'm not?" he sobbed a little, his tears pouring on Cal's t-shirt.

"Just call me and I'll come over any time, even in the middle of the night. You know you can count on me"

"Sure I do. Thanks so much," he thanked her as she kissed his head, smiling at him.

It was the first time John B was ever vulnerable and she knew how much he loved his dad.

She would never have told him but she was also worried. Callie had always considered Big John as a father, and he was one of the only adults on earth who ever cared about her since her parents were gone.

That night, Callie made her way inside Rafe's bedroom, then under his covers. She kissed his forehead as he was sleeping and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Goodnight baby, I love you"

He woke up but didn't open his eyes, just pressed her tighter. "I love it when you remind me that you're mine," he whispered, before kissing her head and going back to sleep.

She kissed his collarbone, not knowing how to deal with the amount of love she felt for this man.

A single day without him had felt like eternity.

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