Chapter 32

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The first Quidditch match of the season had finally arrived, which was between Gryffindors and Slytherins. Jenna had never felt so excited throughout her days at Hogwarts, and she couldn't wait to go and see the game with her friends.

    Over breakfast, all anyone could talk about was the upcoming Quidditch game. Although Jenna kept glancing at where the Gryffindor team sat in the Great Hall at the table, eating nervously.

    "I wish I could get on their team some day," Jenna thought out loud, letting out a short sight.

    "I'm sure you will," Lily said supportingly, giving her an encouraging smile. "From what I've seen in our Quidditch lessons, you're one of the best in the class."

     "Yeah, you've got all it takes to get on the team in the future!" Alice nodded cheerfully.

    "Thanks." Jenna gave them a smile, her heart fluttering.

     "What position would you like to play, if you got into the team?" Marlene questioned after swallowing her food.

    "Er..." Jenna thought about it, pursing her lips together. "I never really gave it much thought, to be honest, but probably either Chaser or Seeker. Both would be good, I guess."

     "Team!" Suddenly the Gryffindor captain got to his feet, and Jenna's eyes fell on him excitedly. "If everyone's done with their breakfast, let's get going."

     On cue, six others got to their feet. Although just then James and Sirius started clapping and whistling from the other end of the table. Not a few moments later, all the Gryffindor started cheering as the seven players got up and made their way out of the Great Hall.

    "We should better get going, too, if we want to get good seats in the stands," said Jenna, getting up to her feet quickly.

     "Yeah, okay!" Marlene said excitedly, standing as well. This was probably the first time she had willingly left her breakfast unfinished.

    "I'm not sure if I understand Quidditch yet..." Lily muttered. "I mean, it's kinda like basketball, only with three hoops, right?"

    "What's basketball?" Marlene questioned, blinking in confusion.

    "Oh, come on! You don't know what basketball is?" Lily looked at Jenna and Alice for support, only to see that they both looked just as confused as Marlene, seeing as they all came from Wizarding families.

     "Is it like a Muggle sport?" Alice mused.

     "Yes." Lily nodded. "But I didn't know it was only for Muggles. I thought you guys had at least heard about it."

     "No, this is actually the first time I'm hearing about it," Jenna said earnestly. "But believe me, you're gonna love Quidditch way more than that Muggle sport of yours!"

     "Yeah," Marlene nodded along, "I mean, what's fun about only one hoop? Muggle Keepers must be really lazy."

    "Well, actually a basketball game doesn't have one specific goalkeeper. That's football," Lily was saying, but she came to a halt when she caught the three girls staring at her with even more confusion.

     "You know what?" Lily sighed, shaking her head. "Never mind."


The four girls soon made their way to the Quidditch pitch along with the other students, as everyone was trying to predict who was going to win the match that day.

"Oi, J.P!" Jenna turned around when she heard her brother calling her, stopping right before they were about to get up to the stands.

"Hey," Jenna greeted him with a weary smile, also waving at Sirius, Remus, and Peter who were nearby.

"So, you wanna come sit with us?" James suggested, grinning.

"What?" Jenna frowned. "Don't you see I'm hanging out with my friends?"

"Well, yeah, but Quidditch is kinds our thing." James shrugged.

"Here's an idea," Alice started kindly, "how about we all sit together?"

"Um... yeah, I guess that would do." James shrugged once again, looking back at his friends to see what they thought about it.

"But — why?" Peter mumbled miserably, apparently not comfortable sitting with the girls.

"Yeah, okay." Sirius said with a smirk, meanwhile Marlene and Lily groaned to themselves.

The eight of them walked up to the stands and managed to get great seats, waiting impatiently for the game to begin.

     "I'll definitely try out for the team next year," Jenna said, gazing down at the pitch admirably.

     "One of other players has to leave Hogwarts to open up a spot for you," said James, his grin widening challengingly. "And even then, I doubt if you'll get in the team before I do, J.P."

     "We'll see, J.P," Jenna said confidently, returning the arrogant smirk.

     "What position would you like to go as?" Marlene asked James the same question she had asked from Jenna earlier.

     "Anything would be good." James shrugged smugly. "But I guess Seeker would be a great spot."

     "Ooh, look!" Alice exclaimed, pointing down at the green pitch as the both teams finally walked onto the field, carrying their brooms in their hands, one team in scarlet Quidditch robes and the other in majestic green.

    The captain of the two teams shook hands and the others mounted their brooms.

     "On the sound of the whistle, the balls are set free, and the match begins!" The commenter's voice boomed through the magical microphone, and the sound of cheers erupted the place.

"The Quaffel falls into Gryffindor chaser, Harold Brady's hands! He passes it on to teammate, Denis Jenkins — oh! Slytherin Beater throws the Bludger at Denis's direction! Slytherin Chaser catches gets hold of the Quaffel! He's going for the hoops, and — Gryffindor Keeper, Clint, catches it! It's the first goal he's saved, on his first year on the team!"

This was the most excited the eight students had been in their time at Hogwarts. Gryffindor had sixty points more than Slytherin, but in the end, even though Slytherins caught the Golden Snitch and won the game, they all still had so much fun.

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