Chapter 60

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For days, all that anyone could talk about was the prank which was pulled on those Slytherin students who were unfortunate enough to drink from the tea, coffee, or the pumpkin juice that morning for breakfast.

     As the professors later realized, the Slytherins' drinks apparently had a few drops of a potion inside it which could cause body hair to grow to a great extent. It wasn't a big problem which Madam Pomfrey couldn't fix with a simple antidote, but it still left everyone wondering who the mysterious pranksters were.

     The potion was said to be extremely advanced, so everyone's main suspects were students who were in sixth or seventh year. Although Lily had a completely different view on the matter.

"It was Potter. I know it," she said with certainty as the four girls were sitting in the Great Hall for breakfast the next morning.

Marlene looked over at Jenna with raised brows.

Jenna rolled her eyes at Marlene. "Not me! James!"

"Yes. Him and Black!" Lily said firmly, shaking her head with extreme disapproval. "I talked to Severus. He's sure it was them too."

"It looked like a job for more than two people, if you ask me," said Jenna, sniffing her tea to make sure it didn't have a funny smell about it before drinking it. "Remus and Peter must've been in on it."

"Maybe. But it was Potter's idea," Lily said grudgingly, crossing her arms over her chest. "I went after Severus yesterday to check on him. Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let me in the ward cause it was too crowded, but I talked to him last night and he said it was horrible. Some of the Slytherins got really terrified, you know. They got some of the poor first years, too."

    Marlene snorted. "It was pretty funny, if you ask me."

     "There was nothing funny about it, Mar! It was a mean, cruel prank," Lily chided angrily. "Actually you can't even call it a prank. It's bullying!"

     "Ooh, the morning mail has arrived," said Alice, her gaze upward as dozens of owls flooded into the Great Hall, carrying the letters and envelopes of the day. She didn't seem to have been listening to their conversation, too lost in her own little world.

"Is it just me, or are those owls coming our way?" Marlene asked, her eyes following Alice's gaze and looking up.

Jenna swallowed a sip of her drink before looking up, only to see four large tawny owls carrying a long, thin package. Everyone was now staring at them, their attention caught toward the large parcel.

  Before Jenna could answer Marlene, to all of their surprise and astonishment, the owls flew down toward them and dropped the enormous package on the table before them, knocking down the dish which contained toasts.

"Woah!" Marlene exclaimed, her eyes widening as all of them stared down at the wrapped-up package. "Is this what I think it is?"

Jenna gaped down at it, excitement exploding in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't believe her eyes. Hastily, she picked up the envelope stuck on the package which had her name on it, and briskly opened to see what was written inside the letter with her heart throbbing.

Dear Jenna,

You have no idea how happy we were when we received your letter. Congratulations! We couldn't have been prouder of you.

Now that all of your hard work and practice have finally paid off, we thought we should make it up to you and get you this gift. We hope you'll like it, and don't forget to write to us and say how your first practice goes. You're going to make an amazing Seeker for the Gryffindor team.

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