Chapter 78

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Jenna was beyond happy to be reunited with all of her best friends. Lily had let her fiery red hair grow over the summer, but meanwhile, Alice had cut her brown hair even shorter than last year.

Marlene hadn't changed much, though she had gotten a bad case of acne across her cheeks, which she complained about every ten minutes throughout the whole train ride.

"I'm starving. When's the trolley lady coming?" said Marlene, placing a hand over her grumbling belly.

"Our compartment is near the end of the train. It will take her a long while to get here, cause she has to stop at every compartment on the way," Lily explained, who had taken out her new Arithmancy book to read, determined to stay ahead of the class even before its start.

"I can go to her myself and get some sweets, if you're that hungry," Jenna suggested.

"Ooh, that would be great, Jen! Thanks!" Marlene grinned happily. "Can I pay my share when we arrive at Hogwarts? My wallet is in my trunk."

"Yeah, sure." Jenna shrugged, getting up to her feet. "What do you want me to get you?"

"Whatever you like, doesn't matter — ooh, but definitely get Pumpkin Pastries!"

"Okay," said Jenna, opening the compartment door to step outside.

"Don't come back without the Pumpkin Pasties!" Marlene yelled after her.

"Okay!" Jenna shouted back, chuckling to herself as she walked up the train corridor, until she reached the trolley lady.

Jenna stood a bit back while a sixth year boy was buying a whole bunch of Sugar Quills. But she became startled the next moment when a voice suddenly came from right behind her.

"Hey, Jenny."

Even though the voice had become almost unrecognizable, Jenna knew exactly who it was.

With her teeth gritting together, she slowly turned around, only to see Sirius Black, standing there with his usual smirk dangling from the edge of his lips handsomely.

"What do you want, Black?" Jenna said coldly, folding her arms.

"Nothing from you, believe me." He grinned. "Just some chocolate frogs for Peter — he collects the cards. And also Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. We're playing a game. You're free to join us."

"I'd rather jump off the train, but thanks." Jenna gave him a fake sweet smile before turning away from him.

She tried to ignore the surprise she had felt after hearing how much deeper his voice had gotten. He had even grown a lot taller than James had.

"What can I get you from the trolley, Deary?" the old lady asked Jenna after the sixth year boy had paid her and gone back to his compartment.

"Um... can I have four Cauldron Cakes, four Sugar Quills, and two Pumpkin Pasties?" said Jenna.

"Not sure if we have any Pumpkin Pasties left, dear. But let me check," said the old witch, bending down to check her trolley.

"Pumpkin Pasties?" Sirius scoffed, but Jenna tried to ignore his presence. "They're disgusting. Why would you even want them?"

Jenna didn't reply.

"I only have one left," the trolley lady finally said.

"It's all right. I'll take it," said Jenna, but when she reached out for her pocket to take out her money, she came to a halt when she found all her pockets empty. "Shoot. I forgot to bring my wallet."

Mischief Managed | 𝘚𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ