Chapter 10

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"Ooh, we must be nearly here!" Jenna let out happily as the night fell upon the sky and the houses in Hogsmeade came into view while the train passed them by.

     The three of them had already changed into their Hogwarts robes and were eagerly awaiting their arrival to Hogwarts and to get their first glimpse of the castle.

      When the train finally came to a stop at the Hogsmeade station, James and Jenna practically raced each other down the train's corridor and Sirius ran after them, causing the older students to glare at their direction as the three darted past them.

     The moment they stepped outside the train, the first thing that they saw was a giant man with a bushy beard shouting above the crowd of students, "Firs' years! Firs' years this way!"

"Whoa!" James muttered with a grin as he stared back at the giant man with fascination.

They followed the man along with the rest of the first years. The large man then led them on a separate way from the older students, towards the lake and instructed them to share a boat with four people in it. Jenna, James, and Sirius raced towards the first boar on their way before anyone else.

Another boy came forward and tried to get into the boat. He had light brown hair and kind eyes, but underneath them there were dark circles.

He looked tired and worn-out as he tried to get into the boat, but he seemed too weak that he almost tripped. James and Sirius were fighting over who was going to get the better seat, but thankfully Jenna was there to abruptly get a hold on the boy's robes, stopping him from falling into the lake.

"Thanks," the boy said, panting as he took the seat next to Jenna.

"Anytime." Jenna smiled, raising her hand for him to shake. "I'm Jenna."

"I'm Remus. Remus Lupin," said the boy, fishing into his pocket and taking something out of it. "Chocolate?"

He offered to Jenna as a thank you for saving him from falling, but she refused politely, saying she'd had enough sweets on the train.

The giant man, whose name they later on learnt that was Hagrid, took a whole boat to himself and when he was sure everyone was seated, he motioned his arm and all boats magically started to move through the lake.

"Yeh'll get yer firs' look at Hogwarts any moment now!" he called in the lead, and sure enough, in a few moments, they saw it.

It was a castle bigger than what one could fit into their imagination and so they all stared up at it in awe, not wanting to ever look away. They were carried along a dark tunnel, which seemed to be taking them right underneath the castle, until they reached a kind of underground harbor, where they clambered out onto rocks and pebbles.

When they finally hit the shore and got out of their boats, they all followed Hagrid inside until they stopped at the entrance of a huge hall inside a chamber, where a witch came forward.

She was tall, thin, and stern, and had her hair up in a tight bun and was wearing emerald green robes. She was not a Professor you could cross, thought Jenna, but surely the most fun if you did so.

     "Firs' years, this is Professor McGonagall," said Hagrid, and so the witch nodded at him in appreciation before he left them with her.

      "Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. "Now before we go inside these doors to start the banquet, you will be sorted into your Houses."

     James nudged Jenna on the arm with his elbow, winking at her at those words, before they turned to face Professor McGonagall again.

Although Jenna really couldn't get herself to listen to her explanation about the Houses, seeing as she was too busy looking around at the enormous hall in awe.

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