Chapter 85

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Remus could not have been more nervous and anxious, and it had everything to do with James Potter and Sirius Black and their stupidest idea yet.

     Not long ago, the two boys had informed Remus that they had found a way to help him during the full moons. It wasn't a cure for werewolves, but it was a way they could spend the full moons with him.

     It was a known fact to Remus that werewolves merely attacked and hurt humans, and not animals, which led James and Sirius to come up with the idea of becoming Animagi.

      Unlike Remus, those two apparently couldn't see the dangers that lay ahead. Or rather, they just couldn't care less. If anything, they thought that the dangers and risks were what made all this more fun and adventurous. No matter how many times Remus tried to talk them out of it, no matter how many times he told them that it was illegal or that it was an extremely difficult process or the fact that he could easily hurt them, they wouldn't back out.

     Their only problem was that they didn't know how to become Animagi.

      James had taken his father's invisibility cloak and they had taken a detour to the library hours after curfew and sneaked into the restricted section, in search for a book that could explain the process of becoming an Animagi, but they found nothing. There were many books that talked about an Animus, but none of them told them how to become one.

     Although, in one of those books it was mentioned that all they needed to know about becoming an Animagi was in The Quest to The Impossible Magic book.

     James could remember from his many visits to Professor McGonagall's office that she possessed that book and kept it among her other books in her office, many of which were chained to her bookshelves. Some of her books even contained a spell that blocked the summoning charm.

     In this case, they couldn't even use James's invisibility cloak, which meant that the only way they could get their hands on their needed book was if Professor McGonagall gave it to them herself.

     Given their terrible reputation, they knew there was no trick they could pull on that strict professor to convince her to give them the book.

     But there was another way.

They could convince someone else to ask Professor McGonagall for the book. Someone who had a logical reason and a great excuse for wanting to read more about human transformation.

"What do you two want?" Jenna had asked them when Sirius and James approached her the other day.

"We wanted to ask you to do us a favor," said Sirius.

Jenna gave him a look. "And what makes you think I would agree to do it?"

"We figured you'd say that." Sirius's grin widened, before turning to face his friend, "James, if you will."

"Of course, of course." James cleared his throat. "Well, little sister, as it so happens, you don't have a choice but to help us."

Jenna glared at him, folding her arms angrily. "And why the hell is that?"

"You might have forgotten, but I never do. Let me refresh your memory," said James with a sly grin. "Last year. Summer break. One day when Mum and Dad were at the Ministry, you asked me to help you find our parents' Gringotts' key and then asked me to go to the bank with you and take five hundred Galleons from their vault. You asked me not to tell Mum and Dad about it, and you also wanted me to help you, no-questions-asked, without even telling me why you needed that money. Now do you remember it, or should I explain it with more detail?"

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