33 | ♥ ᴛʀᴀᴘᴘᴇᴅ ♥

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A/N: Please VOTE and enjoy, this chapter is going to be...thrilling ;)

Also, ⚠ TW: Fire ⚠

Sophia's POV

I was once again at my locker, bobbing my head subtly to the music that flowed through my earphones.  

I was listening to music in the open, my hair up in a high ponytail, not hiding the fact that I had earpieces in. I didn't want anyone to talk to me today, especially not Grayson or any of his friends. 

I hastily went over to my first lesson, keeping my head low. French, I sighed. Okay, I just need to get through this and then I have PE.
I know I don't have to worry about seeing Natalie there; the last few days she has always skipped PE, because she, as she put it, 'shouldn't be forced to participate in such a useless activity that won't help me get a job later.' And fully agree with her, only I was too much of  wimp to even dare skip. 

I kept the music going until I saw the teacher come in, and put it on halt. I still have to pay attention, or else my parents won't be glad to see my decreasing grades. 


Everything during my first class was fine, even the start of PE was good. But that didn't last very long, of course it didn't

As I was running up-and-down laps because the teacher told me to, a loud shrilling noise broke free, echoing throughout the entire school. It was similar to the sound that my alarm clock made in the morning, only ten times louder.

And that, my friends, is where everything went wrong.

I gasped and placed my hands over my ears protectively. I always was sensitive to high-pitched sounds. 

"Fire alarm!" boys began shouting over the earsplitting sound, making everything chaos. Girls started scattering over to there friends, excited to miss half the lesson. While boys jumped around and yelled incoherent words. I simply stood there with the palms of my hands pressed flat against my ears, not knowing where to go. 

The teacher seemed frustrated about having to stop his lesson, as he visibly grunted and rolled his eyes. "Come on, follow me!" he beckoned us all over to the doors that let outside. 

"Sir, do you think this is real?" one of my classmates asked the teacher as her friend skipped behind her, evidently happy. 

Not so much to my surprise - I mean it was my PE teacher, when has he ever shown any emotion except frustration -  he snorted humourlessly. "When has it ever been real? It's just another prank dome stupid boys pulled, thinking it was funny." It must have happened quite a few times before, I guess.   

We walked around the corner of the school, and the teacher led us through a small gate. It was probably there to keep people from going on the the track fields without permission, though it seemed pretty useless, as even I could jump over it. 

We ended up having to stand in two rows on the large football field with the whole school. When we arrived only a few other classes were already there, the rest yet to come. I put in my earphones that I found in my pockets and started the music again - I had discretely grabbed my phone from my backpack that was still in the PE hall before following the teacher. 

As I listened to 'Paris' from The Chainsmokers, a song that gave me major nostalgia, memories from me and Liv reappeared in my mind. The two of us running down a street in our old town that we didn't even know the name of, shouting the lyrics rather than singing them, and holding hands while doing so. 

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