Chapter 3 | 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜

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(This is Sophia's outfit of the day!! ^)

Sophia's POV

When I arrived at my house, I was a bit out of breath. My mother couldn't bring me back home because of some emergency at work, so I had to walk the whole way. I hope it's nothing serious though, I worried. It was her first day of work here and there was already an emergency? That mustn't be good, right?

I took the house key from my bag—I always have a spare key with me—and unlocked the door. I threw my bag in the living room and jumped on the couch. We didn't get any homework, because it was the first day, so I was free to do anything I'd like.

At school, I didn't have any further classes with either Evie or Natalie, but I sat with Natalie and some of her friends at lunch.

I usually kept quiet, only answered a few question her friends asked me, but nothing big. They were surprisingly really nice to me, they all seemed pretty laid-back and chill, so they didn't mind me not talking much, which I appreciated. 

Also, I figured that Natalie was gay, as she and the same girl she winked at in the hallways kissed in the cafeteria.

The rest of the day, nothing interesting happened. I didn't see Logan a second time, sadly. I quite enjoyed his company, it made me feel less lonely.

As much as I hated to admit it, I felt kind of disappointed when Grayson was nowhere to be seen after History class. He wasn't there for lunch—yes, my eyes may have been unconsciously searching the cafeteria for him—and neither was he in all the other classes he was supposed to be in. We are in the same Math's class, I noted. The teacher called everyone's name to see who was present, but when he came to Grayson, it was silent.

I don't know why I felt that way, I didn't even know the guy! Yet something about him was so fascinating. His cold eyes, how a few strands of his messy, dark hair fell in front of his eyes, the way his muscles flexed with every move he made. He wasn't overly ripped, like to the point where it was a little too much for a high school kid, but simply perfect. My, everything about him was perfect.      

But I guess that's why all the girls acted the way they did, I couldn't blame them. I shook my head, needing to stop thinking about him and focus on something else.

I gripped my phone from my bag and put on some music. I always listened to music in my spare time. I made a bowl of pasta, that's about the only thing I can cook, and that's why we usually have deep-freeze pizza somewhere. It's not as good as freshly delivered pizza, but I was way too shy to deliver on my own.

When I finished eating, I put the leftovers in the fridge and put my plate in the dishwasher. I started cleaning the kitchen counter, while dancing and humming to the words of the songs. No one was home, so why care?

Just as I finished, my mom came in through the front door. I hadn't even heard her walk in, as I was too busy swaying my hips to the music.

"Hey, Sophia, I'm home!" she shouted over the music. I turned around quickly, then sighed in relief as I looked into my mother's eyes. I turned off the volume and greeted her. She apologised for not being able to pick me up after school, but I just shrugged it off, saying it was fine.

"Hmm, why does it smell so good in here?" she asked.

I smiled, "There's some leftover pasta in the fridge for you and Dad." She grinned, happy she didn't have to make dinner now, and went over to the fridge.

"It looks delicious," she commented, making me puff out my chest and lift my nose up in the air, feeling proud of myself. 

"It is delicious," I said to her. She chuckled.

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