34 | ♥ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏᴡᴇ ᴍᴇ ♥

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A/N: The first half is only Grayson giving a full explanation about who that man is and how they met. The second is more 'intimate' ;) 

Sophia's POV

After I was finally done explaining everything about certain circumstances that took place at school, my parents were convinced that nobody got hurt. They always worry so much, I guess that's where I get it from.  

I told them about the fire that broke out at school, excluding me almost getting my face burned off and a psychopath wanting to kill me, of course. The school was going to send a mail to all parents about it anyway, so to reduce their stress, they already know about it now and they won't be as shocked to hear about it. 

I went over to the front door when I heard the bell ring. I knew who it was, since we made a rendezvous here.

Suddenly, a wave of shyness overcame me, so I simply nodded and stepped aside as a greeting when I saw Grayson standing on the doorstep. He gave a curt one back.

Before he could enter the house any further, I halted him. "Is it okay if my parents are here?" I asked sheepishly. 

"Of course, why?" he asked confused. 

"Well, they'll want to meet you, plus they're really talkative," I answered honestly. Not to mention how judgmental they can be. Anyone with a single tattoo is one step closer to being a 'rebel' or 'rule breaker' according to my parents. 

"Yeah, sure," he softly smiled at me, and my heart instantly warmed up. 

   We walked into the kitchen. I'd better introduce him now, because it'll have to happen sooner or later. I don't want to have to sneak him in again. 

"Uhm, Mom, Dad?" I said unsurely. "I want you to meet...my friend," I decided to go with. Friends don't kiss, I know, but we were definitely nothing more. 

They both turned around with grins on their faces, though when they crossed eyes with Grayson, it faltered slowly. "Mrs. and Mr. Ross, it's a pleasure to meet you," he stepped forward and shook hands with my parents professionally. "I'm Grayson." 

He really wants to make a good first impression, doesn't he?  I've never seen him act so...business-like. Well, at least my parents'll hopefully trust him more now. 

As he did so, they both raised their brows and looked at each other, as if not expecting someone with so many tattoos to act so good-mannered. 

"Well, it's such great new to hear that Sophia has made another friend," my dad started, emphasizing the word 'friend'. I internally rolled my eyes and felt slightly embarrassed. 

"Yes, it's truly a pleasure," my mom spoke up as well. 

"I hope it's not a bother if I stay here for a while?" Grayson questioned politely, and my mom shook her head. 
"Of course not. Would you like to eat or drink something?" she asked us both. I shook my head and so did Grayson.

"No, thank you, I'm alright." She nodded her head and then went back to what she was doing. My dad, on the other hand, clearly didn't trust Grayson yet. But before he could ask anything else, I interrupted him.    

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