36 | 𝒩𝑜 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝓃 𝐵

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A/N: Sophia's seggsy dress for the ones who picked it hehe 🖤 ^ 

Feel free to play some music in the background to add some effect, I did while writing :)

TW: Mention of bl00d ⚠

Sophia's POV

"No, I already told you, Bella," I sighed exaggeratedly. "I'm not coming." 

I heard her groan in frustration. "Evie, help me!" she drawled out on the other side of the line. I heard a faint 'fine' and some ruffling sounds.  

"Okay, tell me why you don't want to go." Evie was now speaking, and I rolled my eyes at their failed persuasions of inviting me to the party. 

"First of all, I have an important presentation due Monday, and I haven't done anything yet," I said, glancing over at my desk. It was kind of a lie, since I've already started, but I'm nowhere near finished yet.

"Let's make a deal," Evie started, and I prepared myself for what she was about to offer. "Tomorrow, me, Bella and you have a date at the cafe right around the corner of my street. We can all study there. It's a calm environment, plus they have the best donuts."

I thought about it for a second, not seeing anything bad with her idea. "Only studying?" I asked. 

"Only studying," she assured me. I let out a giggle when I overheard Bella whining in the background.   

I looked at my wardrobe and shook my head. "No, sorry." 

"What? Come one!" Evie shouted. 

"You didn't let me finish. I also have absolutely nothing to wear, and we can't go shopping now," I defended myself. 

"That's no problem, Girl, I got you," Bella yelled. They put the phone on speaker and she told me her mom had a few dresses. "The perks of having an ex-model as a mom," she announced proudly. 

"But won't they be too big for me?" I asked, looking down at my own body. 

"Maybe a little, but we can still try." 

Evie interjected, "Sophia, the last few days you've been a bit...off. No offence though! But you definitely need this, it'll do you good."

"And nobody will recognise you! It's gonna be dark there anyway, everyone's going to be drunk, and makeup can do wonders." Their voices were so full of hope, and I didn't want to let them down. 

"Okay...I guess," I muttered. They both squealed, and I'm sure I heard a high five. "I'll see you there." I hung up and went to the bathroom. I quickly combed through my hair and put in my favourite earrings. 

I went down the stairs and was met with my parents in the kitchen. "Hey, Mom, Dad," I smiled nervously. They glanced up from what they were doing and greeted me. 

"Uh," I decided not to lie this time, and only ask the true question. "Could I maybe go to a party tonight?" I was fidgeting with the hem of my shirt as I looked elsewhere. 

"Oh," my mom said, sounding shocked by my request. 

"Well, what kind of party are we talking about?" I know how strict my dad is with these kind of things, so I may have to exclude a few things. 

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