Epilogue ♥ | 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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A/N: OH MY GOD, the last chapter is here!! Enjoy :)

Third person's POV

"Merci pour votre attention et j'espère que je vous voir la prochaine fois." Sophia ended off her French presentation with a smile, making eye contact with everyone at least once. She took the paper with her text written on it back to her desk. 

As the teacher has told the class before, it was Monday and time to present their projects. Sophia stuttered and stumbled over her words a few times, but excluding that, she thinks it went fairly well.

"Bon travail, Sophia," the professor praised her. She nodded back politely and sat down. 

It was only minutes later that the bell rang, and she wasted no second in packing her things into her bag. She left through the door and waited right by it. She knew he wasn't coming. Of course he's not coming, she thought. But Sophia was so used to having Logan stand right outside the classroom for her, it'd take a while for her to forget about it. 

In fact, Sophia knew she would always have him in the back of her mind. The first friend she made here, a lot of places and people reminded her of him. But she has to move on, even though she would still cry at night. Having someone die right in your arms can definitely cause a person trauma. 

Sophia shook her head and walked in the direction of the cafeteria. She saw Evie and Arabella sit together again, and went to join them. "Hey," she smiled as she took a seat. "How are you?" 

Bella shrugged. "Alright, I guess." Sophia nodded in understanding and looked at Evie.
"Same. What about you?" Evie asked. Sophia inhaled and let out a breathy chuckle. 

"Been better," she answered honestly, and shifted her gaze away from them. It was quieter than usual, not just at their table, but in the whole room. According to the news, Logan has gone missing since Saturday, the day that party took place. That means he never went home after they kidnapped Bella. He never said goodbye to anyone, went through Sophia's mind.  

"Um, sorry?" Sophia suddenly spoke up when she spotted that 'Weasley Boy' stroll by their table. One of Logan's best mates. 

He met her eyes and there were bags underneath them, he hasn't slept for quite a few hours. He was confused as to why Sophia had called him over and narrowed his eyes at her. 

"Are-Are you doing okay?" Sophia questioned with sincerity. He was shocked at first, but then let out a small smile, it didn't reach his eyes though. And he continued walking, not in the mood for talking with anyone at the moment. Sophia sighed and felt extremely bad for the guy.  

Automatically, her gaze wandered over to a specific table. Grayson's eyes met hers. Sophia raised her brows at him and he smiled, motioning to his phone. She brought up hers and noticed the texts that he sent her. 

Grayson: Come to my table when you're done?

Sophia nodded her head at him and finished her sandwich. "I'll be back," she said to Evie and Bella as she stood up. Walking to Grayson's table, she didn't feel any stares on her, like in the beginning when she did. She smiled at that.

"Hey," she said shyly, making eye contact with the entire table. Anderson's girlfriend, the one Sophia's met before once, sat on his lap again. He gave her a curt nod and the girl grinned. Jacob was ogling a table full of girls and didn't even hear Sophia. He seemed to take the whole Logan thing alright, but you never know what goes through ones mind. And lastly Kyle, he sent her a beam, she didn't know if it was genuine or not, but she took it. 

Her Beautiful InnocenceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora