- Chapter 6 -

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Jocelyn and I are working a 4 pm until 11 pm shift at the restaurant. Luckily for us, we usually work the same shift, allowing us to walk to and from work together. I prefer it, especially when we have a late finish like tonight. It makes us feel a little safer, walking home with one another, even though, it's only short a walk.

There are four other waitresses that work at 'Bruno's Place' that we both don't particularly get on with. They never did anything wrong or horrible towards either of us, they're just a nightmare when it comes to doing any work. When I've had to work with any of them in the past, I had to look after my appointed tables as well as theirs as they kept disappearing.

Thankfully for the size of the restaurant, even when it's a full house it's still manageable, that is if the other person on shift pulls their weight, which I can rely on Jocelyn to do.

Bruno's Place isn't very big, the floor plan seats two six-seater tables, two four-seaters and three two-seaters. The owner Mr Alton wanted to have a very traditional homely décor for the interior of the restaurant. It almost looks like an old-fashioned kitchen with pastel yellow walls and tiled floor, which are black and white.

Our uniforms are the only thing that took a little while to get used to, it's not the most flattering of outfits. We have to wear a white shirt and red bow tie with navy tailored trousers. Considering that the interior design screams old fashioned grandma's kitchen whereas my uniform gives off the queen's butler vibes is a little contradictory, but we get paid well and have it easy so who am I to complain.

Jocelyn and I spend the first few hours of the shift chilling behind the bar listening to music with Clementine, we barely had any customers this evening, no surprise as it's in the week. Usually, our weekend shift keeps us a lot busier. 

Although we could count the number of tables served this evening on one hand, the shift went by very quickly. It's the last hour before we close and usually, it's spent clearing up, throwing the rubbish out and making a start in cashing up the money in the till so we can leave dead on eleven. There is a family of six that are finishing up and a couple which makes it easy for us to manage to do our closing up tasks, while still attending to the customers. 

"Hey guys." Liam calls out while walking over to the counter, with Jeffery following behind. Liam leans over the counter to give Jocelyn a quick peck. I give them both a little wave before picking up the two rubbish bags and head outside to throw them into the skip that's located in the alleyway at the side of the restaurant.

After throwing them into the bin, I try to regain my breath from dragging the surprisingly heavy rubbish bags. I can hear two guys arguing at the end of the alleyway that leads to the main road. I don't typically get involved in other people's disagreements so I turn around to return inside. That's until I hear a loud thud, my feet stay glued to where I'm standing, but my body turns in one quick motion while my eyes scatter around trying to find out what has caused the loud noise.

To my horror, my sight settles on one of the men that were arguing standing over and continuing to punch the second man that is now laying in a puddle.

Without thinking I run over, shouting for him to let go of the unconscious man that's laying lifeless on the ground. I try to grab his coat from behind to pull him off, but the man throwing the punches doesn't even flinch. I'm unsure whether it's due to being worn out from lunging the two heavy bags or that he's double the size of me, maybe the combination of the two.

My mind scrambles for what action I should take next, if I leave to run inside the man might go as far as killing him but I can't tackle this situation on my own. I do what any person would do in this situation when your strength fails you- scream. I start to scream for him to get off the guy that is now covered in blood which is only making me feel more panicked, my screams are not only for the unconscious man, they are now for me as well and my potential rescue.

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