- Chapter 11 -

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The loss of appetite I had yesterday has only caused me to wake up with the worst stomach ache. Shuffling over towards the end of my bed, I reach down for my oversized cream sweater to throw over my pyjamas of a mint green silk vest and shorts set.

Opening the refrigerator door my eyes gravitate towards the box of pepperoni pizza from last night. I rummage through to the back of the three shelves to see whether any chicken strips are left.

I hear Eden's bedroom door open, then the sound of footsteps closing in, down the corridor towards me. I guess she decided not to stay over at her friend's house last night after all.

My view of Eden is obstructed because of the refrigerator door being wide open and my head practically being lodged inside in search of leftovers.

"Would you like to have leftover pizza for breakfast with me?"

"I'm good." Vince replies plainly.

Praying that my ears are defying me and I will not see Vince stood in our apartment, I slam closed the door of the refrigerator.

"Always a pleasure seeing you Sienna." Vince says sneeringly, stood wearing a white shirt and blue jeans leaning against the archway at the end of the corridor.

"Where's Eden?"

"I'm here." She breezes past Vince, wearing her satin pink floral robe. Eden leads Vince towards the front door, kissing and hugging him goodbye in the doorway. They stay standing there for what feels like an eternity, allowing enough time to pass to create a rage in me to build up all through my body at the sight of him. With each kiss he gives, with each giggle she lets out, my eyes remain on them and he gives a few unnoticed by Eden self-satisfied glances back over to me in return.

As soon as the door is closed, I can't help but let out my disappointment, edging around the kitchen island that separates Eden and me. "What the hell Eden. You're back with Vince?"

"We're just hanging out, ok." Nonchalant, Eden walks past me to head towards her bedroom.

"Hanging out?"


Seeing Vince has unearthed every memory I have, holding, comforting and reassuring a broken-hearted Eden. The version of her that tore me in half seeing, especially after the numerous amounts of incidents that occurred; whether it be him putting Eden down, flirting with someone else and the last time was that he was caught cheating. I'm at a loss for words as to why she would go back to him even if it's for 'fun'.

The front door flies open, Jocelyn hurries over to where Eden and I are standing in the corridor. "I just bumped into Vince in the stairwell? Is he stalking you now Eden?"

"No. Eden and Vince have been hanging out." I say her words in the most sarcastic way possible.

"WHAT." Jocelyn shouts, directing her body and rage at Eden. 

Eden doesn't say anything in response to either of us, she stays standing with her arms crossed against her chest and facing down at her feet.

"You're seeing him again, after everything Eden? He's an asshole."

"He treated you badly Eden." I add.

"Not always." Eden replies quietly.

"Yes always!" Jocelyn shouts, throwing her arms up in the air, startling both Eden and me.

"Eden, we're just worried. We saw how he was with you, we don't want you to get hurt." I try to say in a calmer tone, I don't want this conversation to be both Jocelyn and I shouting at Eden.

What could have been.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя