- Chapter 17 -

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Vince stumbles backwards onto the last four stairs of the staircase, landing on his hands, he pushes himself off and stands up straight. He takes in heavy breaths as he stares down Cole. Balling his hands to a fist, Vince proceeds to storm towards Cole. Usually, in these situations, my adrenaline takes over which allows me to get in the middle of any fight to break them up. Right now, I can't think or react.

Cole quickly looks back at me then returns his focus to Vince that is charging towards him with his hands balled at his side ready to punch Cole.

Cole's arms are raised in front of his face, not moving forward or back he waits for the expected punch we both know Vince is eager to throw.

Vince throws a punch towards Cole's face but misses. In one quick motion, Cole manages to dodge the hit, as well as, side step away which results in Vince losing his balance and he falls forward onto the ground.

I never took Vince for much of a fighter, I knew he was all talk when he confronted many at Frat parties. He always had his henchman to stand tall besides him and belittle their prey.

Cole hovers over Vince that is laying with his back to the ground. Punching him repeatedly, Cole stops to grab Vince's shirt collar, bringing his face closer to his. Cole's jaw is clenched and his breathing is heavy, understandably he just knocked a deserving Vince to the ground.

The air around us is only getting thicker.

I've moved even further back. With every second that has passed, I've taken a step away from the scene that's unfolding in front of me. I can't bring myself to move forward towards them. Circling where they are I move back to the bottom of the stairs.

I hear an unfamiliar voice from behind me shout stop along with a few mumbled words that I couldn't catch as a man runs down the stairs and accidentally pushes past me.

The man is probably in his early to mid-forties. He could probably bench press both Vince and Cole together by the size of him.

He grabs the back of Cole's coat and pulls him off of Vince. Moving Cole's hands above his head, the man ropes his arms under Cole's to Keep a firm hold on him. And, Vince being the vile opportunist that he is jumps back on his feet and throws a punch at Cole which lands as the man unintentionally holds Cole in place.

The moment it takes for me to register that I'm running, I'm already behind Vince, shoving him with all the force I have, away from Cole and the man that got more than he bargained for when he thought he was going to simply stop a fight.

Vince swings around to face me, glaring down at me with a sinister smile. Blood running down from his nose now incircle each tooth.

I take a step back and he takes a step towards me. I can hear Cole shouting at the man to let him go. I glance over in one quick motion and notice the confusion in the mans face as he stares at Vince and me whilst trying to hold onto Cole that's trying to break out of the man's hold.

I thought I'd seen an angry Cole. To be honest I thought every time I saw Cole he was pissed about something but I don't think that's the case anymore. I'm starting to believe that Cole usually just has a serious face because right now I can see even feel the anger that is radiating from him.

I lock eyes with Cole that's still in an involuntary hold. maybe not even a few seconds go by but time slows down for Cole and me. I take in each breath he breathes, every rise of his chest that gets bigger, his widened eyes, clenched jaw and flared nostrils. He doesn't break eye contact with me.

I buckle over my bag that I must have dropped at some point on the floor.

My direction turns back to Vince who has taken this time to throw more insults my way. But, his voice is muffled by the sound of my chest that's a few heartbeats away from exploding.

What I do manage to hear is that one word that sends a shooting pain to my chest that makes me want to crumble to my feet.

"why don't you do us all a favour and go and overdose again."

I want to cry. I want to scream, not one that could be heard for miles and miles- A silent one. Silent screams are the ones the hurt the most but leave you most satisfied with the pain once it's done.

I can hear Vince laugh.

Of course his laughing. He thinks nothing of me, he has made that very clear. He thinks nothing of everyone. I don't even think he thought-thinks much of Eden, if he did he wouldn't treat her the way that he does. If he really loved her he wouldn't hurt her or her friends.

"Fuck you." I manage to say through my teeth. The stinging in my eyes is becoming unbearable but I won't let him win, I won't let him see me break. I stand somewhat tall. I don't react to what he has said, I allow myself to appear unfazed but on the inside, I'm falling apart.

My back reaches the wall, I don't look away from Vince, I look right at his smug face as he stretches his arms forward and he places both his hands on either side of my head. He leans forward, whispering into my ear. "Hopefully this time-" he pauses, his smile grows, he leans his head back, I know to watch me, to see my reaction to what he says next. "-You'll succeed."

My mind is screaming for my hands to slap him, anywhere, his chest, face...any fucking where to get him away from me but they're frozen to my side. All I can bring myself to do is close my eyes. In the hopes that I'll use my last remaining strength that I have in me to not fall apart. Not here, not now, not in front of him.

The impact of Vince's body being jolted away from me, prompts me to snap my eyes open. Vince is back on the floor, holding his hand to his jaw while using his other hand to help push himself off the ground.

Cole slowly walks backwards to where I'm standing against the wall. Only a few steps before he's stood in front of me. He moves his arm so that the palm of his hand is resting gently on my waist.

"Who the fuck are you?" Vince sneers.

I peep past Cole's side to catch a better view of Vince. He's standing with his hands on his hips, trying to regain his breath. Cole's arm lightly push me back behind him.

Cole doesn't say anything in response. I glance down at his right hand that's already in a fist and before I can stop it, he rushes to where Vince is standing and throws another punch, hitting Vince's jaw for the third, fifth, fuck it I lost count.

The man runs between us, stretching out his arms to create a space between Cole and Vince.

Cole's hand returns to my waist as we both walk backwards away from both men and stop when my back reaches the wall again.

I hear the slam of the door. I peek around Cole's arm that has loosened around me. Vince is gone. I let out a sigh of relief that whatever just happened is over.

The man shouts at Cole for fighting inside the apartment building before storming out the front door.

A sting in my eyes acts as a reminder to blink, when I do it a tear makes its way down my cheek.

Cole turns so that he's facing me, somehow he had managed to maintain his hold on me. Lifting his free hand to my face, his palm rest on my cheek while his thumb brushes away any tears lurking to escape.

"Are you ok?" He says in a low voice. I nod slightly, unable to speak any words in fear it will only cause me to fully break down. To regain control of my emotions I bite my inner cheek.

I let out a sigh when his hand leaves my waist but quickly become relaxed when I realise he's moving it to my face. Using his hand to brush away any loose hair from my face, he leaves his hand resting like the other, perfectly on my cheek.

I haven't looked up at him, I've kept my gaze down and the feeling of security in his hold is calming the storm of emotions I feel right now. Once, I feel confident that I won't break down from any look or questions of concern from Cole I tilt my head up to meet his gaze. The cut on his lip has opened up from the cheap shot made by Vince. My sadness quickly turns into anger at the sight of blood on Cole's lip.

I lift my hand to the left of his lip so that I'm not touching his cut. "Your lip...it's bleeding. I-I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. It doesn't hurt. Are you ok?"

I don't know.

What could have been.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora