Blood Moon Masquerade (SakuAtsu)

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In Sakusa's a thousand years of existence, he only ever loved one man. A kitsune with dark chocolate-colored hair, bright golden irises that shines brighter than any of the stars that are scattered in the dark night sky, large hooded and slightly droopy eyes that widen in excitement when he sees him, and a lazy smile that would grow wider with every minute they spend together. But in all their meetings in the past thousand years, not once did Sakusa see the kitsune's entire face. He's only had the luxury to see half of Atsumu's face thrice, for kitsunes are only allowed to roam the mundane world wearing a kitsune mask as a tribute to Inari, the God of kitsunes. It was also forbidden for them to introduce themselves, so Sakusa never knew what his name was, and all of their meetings in the past thousand years were cut short by the full moon.

Kitsunes are expected to be in their shrines by the time the full moon arrives to protect the humans from the yokais that run free when the gates from the spirit realm are opened by the full moon. Sakusa understands that it's the kitsune's duty as one of Inarizaki's kitsunes, but Sakusa couldn't help but feel sad every time he needs to say goodbye. He can only meet the kitsune once every three months, making it harder to let go every time. Every meeting was precious to him, and every second was kept within his heart to hold onto until their next meeting.

Sakusa waited every three months and savored the short hours he's spent with the kitsune. He loves the way the kitsune talks without any filter, the way he genuinely smiles at Sakusa like he's the only person that could elicit that kind of smile from the kitsune, the way his laughter would echo in the rose garden behind Sakusa's mansion, and the way his warm hand would graze over Sakusa's cold ones. The simple action makes Sakusa's heart flutter without fail, and the braver the kitsune gets, and the more skin contact they have, the more Sakusa craves for it.

Sakusa wants to keep the kitsune to himself. He wants the kitsune to be his and his alone, so with that thought in mind, he wished for the moon's guidance, that in the next blood moon, the moon will grant his wish and lead him towards this kitsune and bound their souls together.

The blood moon is believed to bound souls together. It is said that if a vampire is desperate and sincere enough, it will bound its soul with the one it yearns for, but only if the blood moon itself believes that their souls are meant to be together for eternity.

In the past thousand years, Sakusa would sit on his roof and stare at the moon, wishing for it to grant his wish. He would look up at the moon with love and desperation swimming in his emerald irises as he whispers, "Please let me have the kitsune that walks with me in my rose garden every three months,"

Sakusa wished every single night, his heart sincere and full of love as he repeats the same wish he's had for the past thousand years, and with every wish comes his growing love and sincerity. He waited patiently with hope in his heart that the blood moon will grant his single wish.

So, when the blood moon came, Sakusa held a masquerade at his mansion. Everyone was invited, from vampires to yokais and kitsunes. The blood moon was an event that not only vampires looked forward to, but yokais and kitsunes as well. The blood moon was originally for the vampires to bound their souls with their pairs and strengthen their love for each other. Still, after a rare occurrence where the blood moon chose to bound a yokai and a vampire, it became an event where everyone was at peace, and the only purpose for their gathering is the hope of having their wish of having their soul bounded to each other be granted.

The night had arrived, and so did the guests, Sakusa's mansion was filled with hopeful chattering and blissful laughter as they wait for the eclipse to happen. Sakusa stood atop the staircase of his mansion as his emeralds search for a specific kitsune who wore a white fox mask. The Inarizaki kitsunes had the most intricate and beautifully designed fox masks, making it difficult to miss them. They usually wear white kosodes and vermillion hakamas that are paired with geta slippers. Their masks usually cover their full faces, but their masks cover only the upper half of their faces to show their respects to the host during balls and parties. They also have fans in their hand and would only use them when their masks are accidentally removed, and they have to cover their faces.

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