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Normal POV

Daegan was standing at his locker, minding his own business as he was swapping out his book bag for practice that afternoon. Everything was fine, that is until his locker was suddenly slammed shut.

"What are your intentions with my brother?"

Although distracted, he was barely startled by the voice that had come up out of nowhere. He looked away from his now closed locker to find a girl standing in front of him.

She was a dark skin girl with thick black locs in her hair, about a foot shorter than him. For some reason she looked familiar to him even though he was sure he hadn't seen her a day in his life.

This in mind, Daegan was less than pleasant in return,"Excuse me?" Who the hell did she think she was?

She didn't seem to back down at his height or his cold expression, instead crossing her arms over her chest,"You heard me; what are your intentions with Tenoa?", she questioned again, tongue sharper at having to repeat herself.

Daegan only mirrored her action, leaning against his locker. Petty? Yes, but she was rude so an eye for an eye. " 'n' ah shuid tell ye that fur?" (An I should tell you that for?)

He and Tenoa have be talking for about two weeks now. They'd meet before Mr. Finster's class and sit together and repeat this again in Science, Math and P. E. They'd go to the library when the small boy didn't wanna eat lunch and they'd cuddle as he told him about the book he was reading at that moment. After practice, Daegan would facetime him and make sure he was washed up and ready for bed. They had a lovely banter going and he loved how close they had gotten since he's gotten here.

Although they hadn't made it "official" as Otto had pointed out to Daegan, it was still obvious to everyone and their mother's that Tenoa was his and he was Tenoa's. The only reason he didn't put a label on it was because he didn't wanna make Tenoa uncomfortable.

The girl was practically fuming, her tongue pressed to her cheeks,"Listen, if you think imma let some...some fuckboy hurt my brother, you got me fucked up! Now what are your intentions with my brother?!", she barked standing ten toes deep with the Scottish giant.

Others had stopped in their tracks upon hearing her outburst, their faces holding shock and worry. Who had fucked around and pissed off Tenaya of all people?

However, Daegan just snapped his fingers,"Ah th' sister; mak's sense noo." He knew Tenoa didn't have a lot of friends, so this person must've know him outside of school. This and the information the boy had given him when they were getting to know one another, made it pretty easy to put it all together. Still; what the hell did she want with him? (Ah, the sister; makes sense now.)

Whatever it was he didn't care to stay and find out. If he wanted to be talked down to, he'd chat with Max and his shitheads. "If we're bein' honest, ah dinnae hae tae explain jobby tae ye; that's nae howfur ye approach someone ye waant tae blether tae.", he said, looking over him at the thinning crowding of students. (If we're being honest, I don't have to explain shit to you; that's no how you approach someone you want to talk to.)

He looked back at her fuming face and decided to pop a cherry on top of it all,"Wi' that bein' said, ah git practice sae fuck off." With that he moved passed her and through the halls, ignoring her fuming behind him. (With that being said, I got practice so fuck off.)

Endnotes: Looks like Daegan and Tenaya didn't have a good first impression, huh? Don't forget to vote and leave a comment

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