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Normal POV

It was the end of the day and Daegan was riding high on something like euphoria.

Everyone was still spreading word about Daegan's love proclamation that morning and for once he didn't care to be annoyed about the gossip. How could he, when he had his doll again? He was genuinely over the moon.

He smiled as Tenoa looked up at him, trying to keep up with his large stride as he made a clear path for them in the semi-crowded hallway. Daegan was sure he enjoyed having him shield him with his size. Their conversation had gone very well in both their opinions. Daegan had taken him to his little alcove in the library and told him exactly how he felt about what had occurred between them and Tenoa had done the same, even apologizing for letting Tenaya get between them. Daegan also apologized because he realized he shouldn't have let him be put in that position because he was an asshole (although rightfully) to the girl. Everything was back as it should.

Tenoa looked at his phone before cursing under his breath and moving in front of Daegan, now guiding him like a speed boat with a parasail. It was actually laughable how he tried to rush him,"Calm doon, doll. How come th' rush? ", he asked through his boisterous laughter, purposefully slacking behind him and going dead weight on him. (Calm down, doll. Why the rush?)

"G- gotta g- get to th- the gym be- f- fore 3:15, Te- Tenaya ha- has clo- osed pra- practice today. C- come on!", he whined softly, still attempting to drag the much larger boy behind him. What he lacked in size and strength, he made up for in adorable determination.

Tenoa wanted to talk to her as soon as Daegan told him that she had called him. He clearly hadn't expected her to do something like that. She never admitted that she was wrong and she never apologized either; not even when she pushed him down the stairs when she thought he was going into the bathroom when she was. It made his little head spin and he needed to talk to her before he exploded.

They made it to the gym, Daegan holding the door open like a gentleman before they headed inside. Tenoa scanned the room, eyebrows furrowed as he searched for his sister. He was pulled from his thoughts by Daegan speaking,"Thare she is", he announced to him, pointing over to the side of the court where the girl in question was doing drills with another girl on the team. (There she is.)

Tenaya took out her earbuds and the girl pointed over to us. She raised an eyebrow before Tenoa fanned her over. She sighed but tossed over the ball, yelling to her coach that she'd be right back.

She made her way over to the two, and lead them out of the gym and back into the cafeteria and shutting the double doors. "I see you two are back on good terms", she noted, referring to their interlaced hands,"Thank God."

Daegan just offered her a nod before looking at Tenoa, he nodding his head in her direction, motioning for him to say what he needed to say. "Gang oan , doll", he said, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. (Go on, doll.)

The younger boy offered him a ghost of a smile before looking at his sister who was staring at him with curiosity. He took a shaky breath before speaking,"H- he t- to- old me y- yu- you ca- called him", he rattled off nervously. He still felt anxious talking to her after what she'd said to him. The last thing he wanted was to unknowingly upset her and receive another verbal bashing.

Tenaya took a big gulp from her water bottle, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand,"Yeah, so what?"

"W- wh- why w- would you d- do th- tha- at?", he asked her honestly. He had been racking his brain all afternoon and try as he might, he couldn't figure out why she cared. I mean, yeah he was her brother, but that hadn't stopped her before.

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