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Normal POV

Tenoa dreaded stepping into the school today. Call it Spidey senses, but he could feel it in his bones that something bad was coming and that something bad was called Daegan Edmonstone.

He had tried his hardest to stay home today, but his Aunt Monica wasn't buying any of his shit. It's nearly impossible to pull the wool over the eyes of a pediatric nurse.

Tenoa mentally prayed for a miracle as he sat in his desk. Daegan hadn't entered class yet and he was hoping- no praying Daegan wouldn't show up today but he seriously doubted it.

Daegan stepped into the classroom and his eyes immediately went to the younger boy, like he was some heat seeking missile. His lips pressed together in a line and his jaw locked. Tenoa forced himself to look away, focused more on his notebook than ever before.

Daegan noticed this and his nostrils flared before he made his way over to his seat beside him, arms crossed tightly over his chest and a look on his face. He was giving off the vibe of a parent who had busted their kid coming in the house at 2 am. His eyes were dark and focused; he truly looked at if he was on a mission. "so ye gonnae tell me how come ye didnae pick up th' phane whin ah cried ye lest night?" (So you gonna tell me how come you did not pick up the phone when I called you last night.)

Tenoa didn't even attempt to look at him, gripping his pencil tight in his hand as he shrugged tensely,"I- I gu- guess I- I mi- missed it", he managed to answer, trying his absolute hardest to keep his voice level. He was suddenly scared of the older boy which was a strange change considered he gave him no reason to feel that way. He was immediately in defense mode and not the cool kind, but the "if I play dead maybe they'll buy it" kind.

Daegan crossed his thick arms tightly over his chest, cocking his head to the side,"An th' ither four?" (And the other four?)

"I- I- I- I d- di- didn't h- ha- ha- ave m- my ph- phone?", he offered weakly.

Daegan knew right then and there that he was lying to him; his stutter was almost ten times worse when he was lying and this was no different. Thankfully Tenoa was only saved from further interrogation by the bell ringing and class beginning. However, not for long seeing as soon after, Daegan pulled his desk over to his in a familiar fashion.

Tenoa wanted to just curl in on himself as his larger presence surrounded him,"So ye gonnae tell me noo or am ah gonnae hae tae hauld yer horses til oor ither 3 classes tae git it?" , Daegan growled lowly. It hurt that Tenoa would just lie to him, but he was gonna get the truth out of him at some point today. (So you gonna tell me now or am I gonna have to wait until our other 3 classes to git it.)

Tenoa squeezed his thighs together tightly. He didn't know why that equally terrified him and made him feel something strange in his belly, but his anxiety greatly outweighed the other. He took a deep breath, accepting that he would not be able to lie so he should just tell the truth. "M- my si- sis- ter said I- I couldn't ta- talk to y- you a- anymore", he whispered, eyes glued to his knotted fingers,"sh- she said y- you're a b- bad influence on me."

"and wha gives a bugger whit she thinks?" (And who gives a fuck what she thinks?)

Tenoa grimaced at not only the curse but the jab at his sister,"I d- do!", he stated in surprising volume, earning looks from his classmates. He slumped down in his chair in an attempt to avoid their heavy stares. He was positive a majority of them thought he was deaf or mute and couldn't talk.

Daegan glared at the prying eye,"Mind yer ain business" , he spat harshly in his thick Scottish voice, clearly perturbed by everything. They all immediately went back to their work, forcing themselves to look everywhere but in their direction as to avoid the large boys rath. (Mind your own business.)

Daegan turned his attention back to Tenoa and the smaller boy had almost forgotten he was in the hot seat. Almost.

"S- sh- she's m- my si- sister", Tenoa repeated again in a softer voice.

"So juist cause yer sister, wha doesn't ken jack jobby aboot me, says na we cannae be together?" (So just because your sister, who doesn't know anything about me, says no we can't be together?)

Tenoa frowned,"W- we a- aren't t- to- g- gether", he responded. He wasn't his boyfriend; he might not have even been his friend. He probably just felt bad for him and saw him as a charity case.

Daegan face fell before it instantly hardened,"Okay", he answered simply,"Got it. Cheers fur th' chat" with that he moved his own seat back into its original spot in the corner. (Okay, Thanks for the chat.)

Tenoa was throw off by this action. This was the last thing he wanted to happen,"Da-"

"Save it, Tenoa", Daegan grunted from his slouched off position in his seat as he took out his phone and put in his ear buds. The school day had just started and he was already mentally blocking out this hellhole and everyone in it. Daegan ignored Tenoa for the rest of class and in their next class...and the next class and so forth. That was how his day went.

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