fichead 's a ceithir

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Normal POV

After the movie ended (and another quick make out session which resulted in them needing a moment to calm their hormones) they packed up everything and got back in the trunk to more onto the part of their date. It was still early, so they were right on schedule and going go out to eat.

The car ride was filled with quiet chatter about the terrible movie, both not daring to outright talk about what happened. Tenoa was shocked when Daegan didn't dare bring it up; he only spared him glances, looking him over with a strange smile before looking back at the road.

He flushed at the memory of his hands on him, his mouth on him... but fought it off as he tried to stave off another boner, cursing puberty and his suddenly raising hormones. He wouldn't give Daegan enough credit to hold his tongue twice over. His leg bounced as his nerves began to get the best of him. He wished he could fumble about on his phone, but didn't, thinking it rude to do so on a date. Instead he focused on the random Jack Harlow song on the radio, humming along to the music only to stop when he found Daegan smiling at him.

"Want me to turn it up, doll?"

Tenoa looked down at his lap, his bottom lip between his teeth as his face burned. He refused to look up after that, in fear that he would combust on his car seat. It was not until the car came to a halt that he realized they had parked.

He looked out his window at the surprise location to be shocked once again at the building to his right. He glanced over at Daegan, eyes wide, "C- Ca- Casey's Wh- Whitefish?" He didn't even think he knew about this place, let alone that it was one of his favorite spots?

Daegan didn't respond to his questioning, shrugging his broad shoulders and stepping out of the car.

Tenoa followed his frame with his eyes before going to undo his seatbelt as Daegan opened the door for him, helping him get out. "Your sister said it was your favorite place to eat", he finally provided, shifting to shut his door behind them and locked the doors.

The smaller teen's heart warmed at that. He was really doing a lot for him and not a lot of people have done that for him. Tenoa couldn't help, but think about how he would return the favor; he was setting the bar really high. He chewed his lip, offering him a smile as he laced his hand with his. He gave his large hand a gentle squeeze, "Th- thank you, daddy."

Daegan blushed, looking down at their attached hands as heat spread across his face and ears, "Your welcome, doll", he muttered, heart beating loudly in his chest. It always shocked him when he was so forward and he loved it. He would give him the world so long as he looked at him like he hung the stars and the sky; he would do it too if need be too. "Now let's get some food in ya", with that, he pulled him inside.

Since Daegan had made a reservation, they didn't have to wait long to be serviced. The hostess gave their menu's to a male server named "Quincy" and they followed as he showed them to their table.

The entire walk was a nightmare for Tenoa.

As they walked by, people just stared at him; just stared. He understood it, the almost 7" Scot drawing more attention than anything, but apparently not enough. They all seemed to be staring at him, making faces or whispering. Tenoa felt like he had egg on his face and no-one had dared off him towel to clean in. He squeezed Daegan's hand to calm him nerves as they weaved through their impeding stares. He wondered if Daegan noticed, or if he just didn't care. Tenoa wished he couldn't care like him.

By the time, the waiter sat down their menus, Tenoa was practically bursting at the seams. He didn't even sit before whispering about needed to use the laboratory. Daegan just snorted at his wording, nodding and asking for his drink order while they waited. Tenoa gave it to him and Quincy before excusing himself completely.

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