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Tenoa POV

I said goodbye to Miss. Ruthsberg as I left her classroom, shutting the door behind me. I looked around at the eerily empty and quiet hallway I found myself in. I had morning tutoring, so I got to school extra early today to make a good impression. I didn't want them to think I didn't care about my grades because I kind of did.

I decided to go to my locker since I still had time and collect some books before the halls were crowded with teens. I also had a couple of books I wanted to return to the library, so I could trade them in for something.

I struggled a bit to gather my things; three heavy ass textbooks in my hands along with four library books. I couldn't help but wish Daegan was here to help me. 'He would hold them like nothing. I wonder if he's secretly some super soldier or something, like Captain Scotland or something?'

I was surprised when my locker was suddenly slammed shut and rather violently at that. Thankfully my fingers weren't in way.

"Hey, Tatiana."

I recovered from my shock rather quickly and sighed at my sudden company. I just ignored Max; it was too early in the morning to be dealing with him right now. Why couldn't he wait until he saw me in the hall between classes or in gym class like he usual did. Then again, he has kept his distance lately and I know it was more because of Daegan than a sudden change of heart.

I adjusted my books in my arms and put the lock on my locker before walking in the opposite direction of where Max was. Yes, the library was actually back that way, but I would rather take the long way and not deal with him right now.

It seemed that just wasn't in the cards for me, because he was now following me. I should've known he wouldn't just let me prosper. Instead of finding something else to do with his life, he was stalking me.

"Heard you're going out with McGregor this weekend", he spat venomously from behind me.

He voice was closer than before and I didn't like it. I ignored the hairs raising on the back of my neck and pressed onward. Why wouldn't he just leave me alone? Better question, why did he care? "Th- that's n- n- not his n- na- name", I said, defending my...boyfriend? Was he my boyfriend? Whatever he was, he was mine and he wasn't gonna talk about him and he wasn't there to defend himself. Even if he was, Max wouldn't have the balls to say it and risk losing a tooth.

My exit was halted when dude swerved around me and blocked my path, "I'm sorry I can't understand you", he mocked, cupping his ear, "Say it louder for the back of the class, pussy."

I couldn't even respond because of how aggressive he had become. I was struggling because I was so scared of Max and he knew it. He was a bully through and through.

"So what are ya gonna do?", he further pestered, towering over me. He thought he was hot shit cause he was taller than me, but in actuality, everyone was taller than me. "Think you're gonna give him an easy lay or you gonna make him work for it?", he teased, smirking at me. He then did that thing he does when tracks his eyes over me and licked his lip. It was so gross and it made me uncomfortable every time he did it. Not to mention that was definitely fruity, but that's just me. "Be careful, tiny thing like you, no doubt he'd split you in half."

I cringed, one part at his words and also because his breath smelled like ass. For someone who hates me for being gay, he sure says a lot of gay shit. Why does he care so much about what me and Daegan are doing? "J- just leave me alone!", I spat out without thinking. I didn't regret it...well kind o.

Max's smirk fell, "What did you just say to me?"

I just rolled my eyes at him and turned to leave. Big mistake, I only made it about 5 steps before the back of my shirt was grabbed and I was violently yanked back to him. It was like I was Sub-Zero and Scorpion was telling me to "Get Over Here." as my back hit the wall and a hand was pressed to my throat.

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