Chapter 5

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(23rd September 2026)

Axel woke up early in the morning feeling extremely nervous about... well, everything. He neither had Kai's or Miles's number so he should wait until they get to his place. They did tell him they'll come pick him up today, but they didn't mention when and at that moment the previous night, no one bothered. He didn't even know how he was able to sleep last night but he did sleep ok. Well, comparatively.

He was free all morning so he decided to pack up all his stuff which were just a bag and a suitcase. It didn't take long considering that the furniture came in with the house so didn't have to worry about that. He just had clothes, toiletries, his laptop, phone, earphones and his wallet. So, it was pretty easy for him to pack all his stuff.

After packing, he stood there, in front of his luggage, thinking about how things changed do much in less than a day. He was nervous, exited, tensed, stressed, happy, he was feeling so many things, in the end he didn't know how he was supposed to fell. Before he could think of changing his decision, he heard a car and then after a few seconds, someone knocking his door.

He opened the door and let Kai and Miles inside. "Are you ready yet?" Miles asked once they stepped inside and Axel just nodded. He was still having mixed feelings about this but he just let it go. He chose to do this, so he'll just have to face it.

They looked around his house before their gaze fell on his luggage. "That's it?" Kai asked and faced Axel. "Well, yes. It hasn't been long since I moved into this house either so I don't really have a lot of stuff."

Before Kai could reply, Miles said, "We'll go if you're ready." In a kind of irritated tone. Axel didn't know the reason for this but this wasn't the best time to ask so he nodded again and reached for his stuff but Miles already pulled his suitcase up. He didn't say anything about it and just continued to walk behind Miles after grabbing his bag. He gave the apartment keys to his neighbor before permanently telling a goodbye to the place.


(After reaching their house)

Axel looked out of the car's window, when Miles announced that they're there. He saw a beautiful house, at form the outside it looked beautiful. It was huge, not the mansion huge, but it was definitely not small either.

Once Miles parked the car, they got out and Axel started unloading his stuff. Like before, Miles grabbed Axel's suitcase and walked inside. Axel stayed outside for a few minutes thinking about what happened while they were driving here. If you hadn't guessed, it was quiet. Like most of the time they've been together in the past, what one day? it was quiet. He didn't know how long he can stay with them if it will be so awkward and so quiet whenever he'll be there. He sighed and looked at the ground, suddenly wanting to go back and not wanting to enter their house. He didn't come of his trance until he felt someone's hand on his shoulder.

"-el? Axel?" He then realized that someone was calling him and immediately turned back to face Kai. Just after he realized that the face was Kai's he shook the hand from his shoulder. A hint of hurt appeared on Kai face but he decided to not talk about it. Instead he said, "Axel. I was calling your name so many times but you didn't reply to me. Are you ok?" You think? Axel thought but didn't obviously say anything about that but instead said, "Nothing, let's go" He thought that Kai would press on it but surprisingly, he didn't. They walked inside and Axel took a note of the surroundings. It was simple yet stunning and he was awestruck because of the simplicity yet the complex structure of their house. It was obvious that Miles was the one who designed this house considering he loved interior designing and the house was so Miles like.

Kai guided him through their house and showed him the guest bedroom while Miles was cooking lunch for them. Axel stayed in his room for a while after Kai left and thought about lunch. Not the food though. He thought whether anyone would bother talking or whether it'll be quiet and awkward. He stayed for approximately an hour before going downstairs for lunch. He had like an hour more before work so he can eat and walk to work. It was closer from here than where he was previously living so it wouldn't take long for him to walk there.

As he came down, he saw Kai alone, sitting in the living room watching something on the TV. "where's Miles?" asked Axel as he joined Kai on the couch. Kai seemed to be surprised seeing Axel there but he immediately brought his composure back and smiled for like the tenth time that day at Axel. "He left to work. He thought to have lunch and go but something urgent came up and he had to leave early." Kai reasoned and stood up before walking to the dining table and Axel followed. He served for himself and then Axel before setting the plates on the table and sitting on the chair. Axel did the same and sat thinking of how to start a conversation. Though surprisingly, Kai started talking first and they soon started having a full-on conversation.

Kai talked about what he did in the past seven years and how he and Miles moved into their house. Axel admits that he felt jealous whenever Kai mentioned Miles and him together but he also learned that Miles actually did work as an interior designer and Kai worked as a vet. Kai always loved animals so it didn't surprise Axel that much.

Axel also told miles about the past seven years, leaving the part where his uncle died and all that time he thought about them. After this, they sat at a comfortable silence and Axel noticed Kai playing with his engagement ring. Kai didn't mention anything about them marrying and Axel didn't ask, but he did feel a little bit hurt when he saw the ring. Kai probably noticed Axel staring at his ring, because he said,

"We're getting married on November 8th"

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